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Kafka Browser that supports standalone Kafka and Strimzi operator
Simple Kafka Browser that supports standalone Kafka and Strimzi operator.
- Kafka cluster status
- Topic list
- Consumer (filter WIP)
- Producer
- Strimzi Operator status (Kubernetes only)
- Zookepers status (Kubernetes only)
- Kafka resources status (Kubernetes only)
Running in Minikube
Install strimzi
Prequisites: Minikube, Ansible
ansible-playbook minikube/install.yaml
Deploy karamel
Prequisites: Java 11
ansible-playbook minikube/deploy.yaml
Running in Docker compose
Build Karamel Docker
Prequisites: Docker Desktop Build jdk version
mvn package
docker build -t entropy1/karamel .
Build native application
docker build -f Dockerfile.native -t entropy1/karamel-native .
Run in Docker Compose with Kafka
Prequisites: Java 11
cd compose
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec kafka kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 -replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic users
Running the application in dev mode
mvn quarkus:dev
Packaging and running the application
The application is packageable using
mvn package
java -jar target/karamel-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar