mbpopoverbackgroundview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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iOS: Custom Popover Background View


Custom UIPopoverController background view for iOS. Implements custom subclass of UIPopoverBackgroundView as described in iOS Developer documentation


Call initialize method of MBPopoverViewBackground class to perform required initialization for this class and all of it's subclasses. Call this method once when the app starts.

Set your custom arrow and background images by calling setArrowImageName: and setBackgroundImageName:.

Set your custom cap insets for stretching background image with setBackgroundImageCapInsets:.

Define insets from the edges of content view to the edges of background view using setContentViewInsets: method.

// Blue popover
@interface MBPopoverBackgroundViewBlue : MBPopoverBackgroundView

// When the app launches
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

    // Initialize
    [MBPopoverBackgroundView initialize];

    // Red popover with arrow
    [MBPopoverBackgroundView setArrowImageName:@"popover-arrow-red.png"];
    [MBPopoverBackgroundView setBackgroundImageName:@"popover-background-red.png"];
    [MBPopoverBackgroundView setBackgroundImageCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(12, 12, 12, 12)];
    [MBPopoverBackgroundView setContentViewInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 10, 10, 10)]; 

    // Blue popover with custom call-out instead of arrow
    [MBPopoverBackgroundViewBlue setArrowImageName:@"popover-callout-dotted-blue.png"];
    [MBPopoverBackgroundViewBlue setBackgroundImageName:@"popover-background-blue.png"];
    [MBPopoverBackgroundViewBlue setBackgroundImageCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(15, 15, 15, 15)];
    [MBPopoverBackgroundViewBlue setContentViewInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(20, 20, 20, 20)];

    // ***

// When creating popover in the app
    UIPopoverController *popoverCtl = ...;
    popoverCtl.popoverBackgroundViewClass = [MBPopoverBackgroundView class];	// red
    popoverCtl.popoverBackgroundViewClass = [MBPopoverBackgroundViewBlue class];	// or blue
    // ***


Red Popover


Video demonstration on YouTube