Michael Graham

Results 36 comments of Michael Graham

So I seem to have lucked out. I ordered this card: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Lenevo-P-N-20002357-Atheros-AR5B95-802-11b-g-n-Wireless-PCIe-Half-AR9285/231394746180?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 Because it said was Lenovo, I tried installing it in my x230 without flashing it first. And it...

I get the same error message.

I can convert to html with: ``` xsltproc -o xml/brownies.html xml/brownies.xml ``` Is that the best method?

Interesting - I couldn't get my browser to render the XML properly. I'll fiddle with that. Don't worry about LaTeX support on my account. My main end goal was to...

You're right - I did copy recipe2html.xslt over to the xml directory. I tried again. It turns out that the XML recipe file renders properly in Firefox, but doesn't in...

Ah - that might be what was going on! I wasn't accessing the files through a webserver - just on the local filesystem.