
Results 139 comments of mgood7123

setting AndroidToolkit.density to 1F (short for `1.toFloat()` or `1 as Float` )appears to help with the button overlap ```kotlin AndroidToolkit.setup(this, AndroidToolkit.density = 1F Constraint.addView( Table().also { it.tableLayout.debug() it.defaults().expand()...

now, how to i make sure that i am sizing the root most table?

layout/table_empty.xml (R.layout.table_empty) ```xml ``` com/example/broadcastConsole/grid/MainActivity.kt ```kotlin package com.example.broadcastConsole.grid import import import android.os.Bundle import import android.widget.* import import import com.example.broadcastConsole.R import* class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(){...

table.xml ``` ``` ```kotlin setContentView(R.layout.table) ``` and this is what i get if i attempt to recreate it ```kotlin fun t(a: String): TextView = TextView(this).also { it.text = a...

it may be due to the `layout_weight`, `weightSum`, and `stretchColumns` being unsettable in the api, im not sure all i know is that `TableLayout` has ```xml android:stretchColumns="*" android:weightSum="4" ``` and...

```kotlin fun t(a: String): TextView = TextView(this).also { it.text = a it.setAutoSizeTextTypeWithDefaults(TextView.AUTO_SIZE_TEXT_TYPE_UNIFORM) it.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE, Typeface.BOLD) it.textAlignment = TextView.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER it.layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ) } ``` in which ```kotlin ConstraintOnly.addView(t("P")) ```...

ok, can you give me an example of a root most table

according to - `"I am using size_t here, because it is always having the same size as a pointer, no matter the platform. A long long would not work...

> @TimothyGu: I was thinking more about this **wdlopen** function and now I think it does not bring any value to implement it in dlfcn-win32 project. dlfcn-win32 is there to...

> > also what is with the pull requests from people who seem like they know very little about what they are doing? > > Please be respectful of other...