obsidian-zotero-integration copied to clipboard
Update the currently opened item in Obsidian
Is it possible to update the md file that got imported to Obsidian without the need to open the Zotero selector again? A function like "update current item"?
second this question
I do a trick to use AutoHotkey for repeating this step. A hot fix before the plugin implements this function
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
; Step 1: Focus on a program, select the first line of text, and copy it
IfWinExist, Obsidian
Sleep 100
Send {F2}
Sleep 100
Send ^c ; Copy the selected text
Sleep 100
; Step 2: Send Ctrl + P to open the command palette
Sleep 100
Send ^p
; Step 3: Send "Paper-Create Note" (Name section in Zotero Intergration settings) and Enter to confirm
Sleep 100
Send Paper-Create Note
Sleep 100
Send {Enter}
Sleep 100
; Step 4: Focus on Zotero citation box, paste the copied text, and press Enter
IfWinExist, Quick Format Citation
Sleep 100
Send ^a
Sleep 100
Send {Backspace}
Sleep 100
Send ^v ; Paste the copied text
Sleep 100
It is better to combine it with MS PowerToys (with PowerRun) to just run this script everytime we need to update the paper note.