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Feature Request: Embed kanban board in a page

Open bobbleheadjoe opened this issue 3 years ago • 33 comments

Right now, the only way to create a kanban board is as a separate page/document. It would be great if the board was embeddable though and could be included (maybe in a code block?) on a page with other text. For example: A page for a project that could include links to all other relevant project information + a kanban view of the tasks associated with that project.

bobbleheadjoe avatar Apr 22 '21 13:04 bobbleheadjoe

+1. The same needs

wongchenv avatar Apr 27 '21 09:04 wongchenv

Note that if the kanban view was implemented as a markdown postprocessor instead of as a custom view type, then normal embedding would work just fine. (There'd also be no need for commands to switch viewing modes, since edit/preview is already built in.) It would also help address #7 (indicate file is a kanban in explorer) in that hover preview would show it as such, and it looks like #21 (transclude) is asking for this same thing.

pjeby avatar May 13 '21 03:05 pjeby

+1 same needs

Lennon-ruthven avatar Jun 27 '21 02:06 Lennon-ruthven


dariuszkowalski-com avatar Jul 25 '21 23:07 dariuszkowalski-com


goodjobjohn avatar Jul 31 '21 12:07 goodjobjohn


thedanielfactor avatar Sep 10 '21 05:09 thedanielfactor

+1. Would make all the difference for me.

blackpeasy avatar Nov 04 '21 13:11 blackpeasy

+1 also here. Also this plugin is great and I appreciate all the work.

perkam avatar Nov 11 '21 23:11 perkam

+1 would really make my project dashboard cleaner with embed

cjl12377 avatar Nov 25 '21 08:11 cjl12377

+1 this would be really great!!

lloydmarquart avatar Dec 07 '21 17:12 lloydmarquart

+1 Same needs!

jaimevillegas avatar Dec 15 '21 15:12 jaimevillegas


atimeofday avatar Jan 03 '22 00:01 atimeofday


Tony-zf1 avatar Jan 03 '22 10:01 Tony-zf1


This would be super helpful. I want to embed the kanban board (board-view) as a part of a larger note, but when I do so, the kanban board view isn't preserved.

Froubear avatar Feb 02 '22 20:02 Froubear

+1 This helps me switch from Notion.

vonnieda avatar Feb 04 '22 17:02 vonnieda

+1 Would love that as well.

SebastianBehrens avatar Feb 05 '22 14:02 SebastianBehrens


alikhatibak avatar Feb 22 '22 18:02 alikhatibak

Please stop leaving +1 comments: they send an email to everyone else who has touched this issue every time you do. If you look at the top of the issue, there is a little face under the original issue text that can be clicked to add a reaction such as a thumbs up. If you use that instead, then you won't be spamming notifications and emails everybody who has an interest in this issue -- which doesn't help anybody or make the feature get implemented any faster. Thanks!

pjeby avatar Feb 22 '22 19:02 pjeby


bamr87 avatar May 09 '22 15:05 bamr87

If implemented in a way that the embed would allow full functionality of the kanban board (not just viewing it), it would be solution for swim lanes #237, as multiple boards would be embedded within a single page.

eblanshey avatar May 25 '22 04:05 eblanshey

+1,Kanban can embed notes, and daily is very helpful for many scenarios that require task management, such as project management

MugenLee avatar Jun 05 '22 18:06 MugenLee

This might be of help: The flow editor of the Make.md plugin allows direct editing of embedded content.

I asked if his method might be usable for embedded kanban boards, and he gave This answer.

blackpeasy avatar Nov 13 '22 16:11 blackpeasy

+1, this would be very cool. or atleast somehow add a way to add markdown text that is not in any column to the kanban board itself (for example info about the project the kanban is on, reference links, images, etc.)

KraXen72 avatar Jan 12 '23 20:01 KraXen72

Almost 2 years later and it seems that nothing has been made to advance this issue further.

All of us that have upvoted the OP deem this Kanban enhancement mission-critical, correct?

I'm more than happy to help with brain power or with financial resources to get this implemented as soon as possible.

valiantgenomics avatar Feb 26 '23 18:02 valiantgenomics

Same, bumping on this too!

yohann-bacha avatar May 10 '23 08:05 yohann-bacha

It's essential for completed workflow

AndriiPetrovDev avatar Jun 28 '23 01:06 AndriiPetrovDev


ianscottknight avatar Jun 28 '23 11:06 ianscottknight

@mgmeyers, would you be interested in posting a bounty to fund and prioritize your implementing this feature? I'd pledge $50 toward it and assume many others here would too.

In any case, if properly implementing board embedding is just too difficult for technical reasons, I'd actually be satisfied with a lesser improvement that would allow for capturing arbitrary content on a board page without it getting deleted every time one toggles between board and normal modes. For example, imagine defining a special heading that (a) does not show up as a column when viewing the page in board mode, and (b) does not get deleted when toggling back and forth between normal and board modes. This would solve my main problem, which is that I often have to create two pages where I would otherwise create just one, i.e. one for a board, and one to capture notes, links and other content related to that board.

cbeams avatar Jul 06 '23 09:07 cbeams

Suggestion: the ability to preserve arbitrary content described above could be implemented similar to the way a board's Archive is already implemented. Archive is a well-known heading value that's recognized by the plugin as hidden, i.e. not being visible in board view. A similar column named, e.g. Notes could be supported, such that any and all content under that heading is preserved exactly as-is when toggling between board and normal editing views. This Notes column would also require being declared under the *** horizontal rule, just as is required for the Archive column today. Doing it this way would help make clear the special nature of the Notes column and would avoid backward compatibility issues in the case of users who have already defined an actual column named "Notes" that they probably want to remain visible.

cbeams avatar Jul 06 '23 09:07 cbeams

Not to add more scope to this ticket, but not only would be great if, upon embedding a pre-existing board into a new note, we could choose which columns (lists) to see, and still preserve interactivy.

Example: I have a kanban board for all of my personal-life stuff:

Backlog On Deck In Progress Complete

I would love to be able to embed this board into my daily note template, however, I only want to show the On Deck and In Progress columns (lists). Kind of simply focus on what really matters right now... aka what's being worked on and what is about to be worked on. .

brandenespinoza avatar Sep 08 '23 16:09 brandenespinoza


mariomarchi avatar Oct 25 '23 04:10 mariomarchi


LePenseur13 avatar Nov 04 '23 19:11 LePenseur13