Mike Gifford

Results 287 issues of Mike Gifford

It seems to install fine, but. $ npm install lightcrawler + [email protected] updated 1 package and audited 789 packages in 2.884s found 0 vulnerabilities $ lightcrawler --url https://atom.io/ --config lightcrawler-config.json...

**Does this documentation relate to a specific USWDS feature?** Content should need to be available in English & Spanish **Is your documentation related to a problem or inconsistency? Please describe.**...

type: documentation

This isn't well supported in browsers yet, but some folks get sea sick when there is animation on their devices. Fortunately, there's a way to indicate as a user that...

Another bit accessibility challenge is the CSS display:none; http://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/ http://css-tricks.com/places-its-tempting-to-use-display-none-but-dont/ This little piece of CSS hides the content from a screen reader that may need to know it is there...

Feature Request

Happy to see this project is still active. I'm calling for an accessibility review of this code as right now from the demo there are some significant problems for keyboard...

Looking at the other resources here, I think that our site might fit in here. It's specifically aligned with government, so some of the information will be particularly useful. Plus,...

I thought you might like this site https://accessibility.civicactions.com/

https://fs.blog/decision-journal/ and https://fs.blog/knowledge-project-podcast/gary-klein/ might also be of interest for this community.

We've evaluated accessibility for teams here https://github.com/dmundra/accessibility-for-teams/pull/1/checks?check_run_id=2035460366 We've got some of this documented here https://github.com/CivicActions/accessibility/blob/011a02d7969d311fa8924f31737ae79d5dbae81b/.github/workflows/README.md More to come thanks to @dmundra

I would think it would be useful to add to https://accessibility.digital.gov/visual-design/color-and-contrast/ to include something about text, link & focused link colors. This is quite useful: https://contrast-triangle.com/ https://webaim.org/resources/linkcontrastchecker/