fall-detection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
fall-detection copied to clipboard

Lightweight fall detection based on human pose estimation

Lightweight fall detection based on human pose estimation

The goal is to be able to deploy it on a Raspberry 3 Model B+ with a webcam and an Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2. It should push a warning on other devices if a person has fallen. In a further step, it is planned to create a web video surveillance dashboard, and having several live streams including pose estimation from several Raspberries.

This repository is based on PINTO0309/MobileNetV2-PoseEstimation which itself is based on ildoonet/tf-pose-estimation.

An interesting and simple approach using the Y-axis movement of the head position to detect falls: https://github.com/reigngt09/Pose-Estimation/tree/master/3.%20Fall%20Detection

We hope that performance will be sufficient to work with these models, else we would have to go for more simpler models.

Run on Movidius stick:

python3 fall_detection.py -d MYRIAD -b True


  • Installing numba on Raspberry: https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/3670#issuecomment-476071328
  • On Raspberry with Movidius 2.0 FPS, NCS2 2.3 FPS

Original README follows:


[Caution] The behavior of RraspberryPi+NCS2 is very unstable.
[Caution] The behavior of Tensorflow Lite+CPU is unstable.
[Caution] May 06, 2019, The Google Edge TPU program and model are under construction.


This repository has its own implementation, impressed by ildoonet's achievements.
Thank you, ildoonet.

I will make his implementation even faster with CPU only.


Environment construction and training procedure

Learn "Openpose" from scratch with MobileNetv2 + MS-COCO and deploy it to OpenVINO/TensorflowLite Part.1

Learn "Openpose" from scratch with MobileNetv2 + MS-COCO and deploy it to OpenVINO/TensorflowLite (Inference by OpenVINO/NCS2) Part.2

Core i7 only + OpenVINO + Openpose Large model + Sync mode (disabled GPU)


NCS2 x1 + OpenVINO + Openpose Large model + Async + Normal mode


Core i7 only + OpenVINO + Openpose Small model + Sync + Boost mode (disabled GPU)


NCS2 x1 + OpenVINO + Openpose Small model + Async + Boost mode



$ git clone https://github.com/PINTO0309/MobileNetV2-PoseEstimation.git
$ cd MobileNetV2-PoseEstimation

CPU - Sync Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-sync.py -d CPU

CPU - Sync + Boost Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-sync.py -d CPU -b True

NCS2 - Sync Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-sync.py -d MYRIAD

CPU - Async Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-async.py -d CPU

NCS2 - Async - Single Stick Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-async.py -d MYRIAD

NCS2 - Async - Multi Stick Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-async.py -d MYRIAD -numncs 2

NCS2 - Async - Single Stick + Boost Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-async.py -d MYRIAD -b True

GPU (Intel HD series only) - Async - Boost Mode

$ python3 openvino-usbcamera-cpu-ncs2-async.py -d GPU -b True

Reference articles, Very Thanks!!

Python OpenCVの基礎 resieで画像サイズを変えてみる - Pythonの学習の過程とか - ピーハイ
Blurring and Smoothing - OpenCV with Python for Image and Video Analysis 8