Matthew Gabeler-Lee

Results 32 issues of Matthew Gabeler-Lee

- VSCode Version: N/A - Local OS Version: N/A - Reproduces in: Codespaces - Name of Dev Container Definition with Issue: docker-from-docker Steps to Reproduce: 1. Setup a codespace devcontainer...


**Describe the bug** An `allOf` that contains overlapping `oneOf`s produces a confusing and incorrect warning about incompatible types: Incompatible types in allOf at "undefined": "string" and "object" **Expected behavior** Should...

Type: Bug

### Describe the bug Trying to make a model that maps to a nullable JSON or array column in PostgreSQL, so the entity property needs to permit nulls. A property...


## Steps to reproduce 1. Create an app that uses `RepositoryMixin` 2. Try to override the application `start` method ## Current Behavior `error TS2425: Class '... & RestApplication' defines instance...


The homebrew formula for nodenv has benn broken for over a month, and a PR to fix that has been open for almost that whole time, with multiple pings to...

The Hook Helpers example here won't work: The example shows importing the _generated_ `hook` package from the `schema` package. But to load the schema package to run generation, it...

If I explicitly specify a target on the command line which is also a dependency of _another_ target I specify on the command line, it should only run that target...

:ant: bug

`integer({min: 0, max: 1.1})` may return `2`. This is extremely surprising and confusing. Why pass floats to min/max? When doing computed ranges. There's various ways to fix this, but one...

The golang prometheus client has a useful feature for meric labels, where a _subset_ of the label values can be curried, to produce a new metric object with those values...


## Steps to reproduce 1. Create a model that has an object column, mapped as a JSON type in PostgreSQL 2. Try to do a `find` searching for a full...
