easymail icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
easymail copied to clipboard

A module that makes sending (valid) emails from python a little bit easier.

======== easymail

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The email package in pythons standard library is pretty low level. Easymail aims to add an abstraction layer on top that sets some (hopefully) sane defaults.

These defaults include:

  • using utf-8 encoding by default.
  • important headers (like Date)

A simple example::

from easymail import Email
from smtplib import SMTP
e = Email('My Name <[email protected]>', '[email protected]')
e.subject = 'hello world'
e.body = 'with some non-äscii charöcters'

smtp = SMTP('mymailserver.com')

Slightly more advanced::

from easymail import Email, Attachment
from smtplib import SMTP
e = Email('My Name <[email protected]>', '[email protected]')
e.subject = 'hello world'
e.body = 'with some non-äscii charöcters'


smtp = SMTP('mymailserver.com')


Pure Python 3.5+