Matthew Flatt

Results 280 comments of Matthew Flatt

@jeapostrophe I think `def`, `val`, `fun`, and `let` would work well. I'm not a fan of `mut` or `mac`. Typing 7 characters is already a pretty light penance for declaring...

A thought on names like `expression_macro`: I'm so used to Racket that to distinguish things, I automatically resort to making long names with dashes or hyphens. But constructing hierarchical names...

The `` arbitrarily picks the name suggested by the `a` pattern for naming a right-hand side. For example, suppose you write this, where `object_name` is connected to Racket's` object-name`: ```...

The new draft uses `def`, `val`, `fun`, and `let`, and it changes `require` and `provide` to `import` and `export`. Imports now involve a prefix by default to discourage “namespace dumping”...

The `import` and `export` forms need a lot of work, stil. Yes, the dot-provider part generalizes to contracts that have associated dot providers, not just structure-type names. The main document...

The latest draft fills in the explanation of static information as a generalization of dot providers, and the explained features are now implemented. The implementation now requires a Racket snapshot...

The latest version adds lists, arrays, and maps. Really, this version is an overhaul of the static-information and binding system, which has evolved into a even more Turnstile-like system of...

The latest revision that introduces `-:` as an alternative to `::` that does not imply a run-time check. Also, `.` is allowed to fall back to a dynamic lookup from...

I've updated the proposal for changes to shrubbery notation (#122). Although the changes at the shrubbery level seem big, the effect on the `#lang rhombus` implementation and it examples seems...

Just so everyone knows, the switch to `~` and `'` and `$` was based on discussion on the `#rhombus` channel on Discord (see the "Community" section near the bottom of...