hantek1008py icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hantek1008py copied to clipboard

A driver for the Hantek 1008 (c?) USB-oscilloscope


This project provides the ability to use Hantek 1008 USB-oscilloscopes without the proprietary software on Linux and Windows (not tested). You can include the Hantek1008 from 'hantek1008.py' class in your project, to get access to the features of the device, or use the csvexport.py Python application to gain data and save it to a file.

Usageexample of csvexport.py:

python3 csvexport.py mydata.csv -s 1 2 This will write the measured data of channel 1 and 2 to 'mydata.csv' until you press CTRL+C to stop the measurement.

Help Options:

python3 csvexport.py --help This will show you all the available options/parameters and explains them in-depth.


  • Requires Python >= 3.6
  • Requires pyusb and overrides (install it using pip: pip3 install pyusb overrides)
  • If the software can not access the usb device because of lacking accessright, do the following (tested on linux/fedora):
    1. Create file "/etc/udev/rules.d/99-hantek1008.rules" with content: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0783", ATTR{idProduct}=="5725", MODE="0666"
    2. Then sudo udevadm control -R
    3. Replug the device