ng2-flatpickr copied to clipboard
On adding calendar in list, if list item is > 50 ,the UI response time become very slow.
I am using the calendar in a list. Now if the list items length goes to a big number like 30 50 UI start unresponsive.
This list item code:
<span class="task-list-item-hover-calender">
<ng2-flatpickr [placeholder]="translateKey('DUE DATE')" [config]="calendarConfig"></ng2-flatpickr>
<img src="assets/images/app/due_date.svg" class="icon" (click)="toggleCalendar()" [alt]="translateKey('CALENDAR')" />
List code
<div *ngIf="(filteredTaskData && filteredTaskData.length); else taskListEmpty">
<app-task-panel-list-item [listItem]="taskItem" *ngFor="let taskItem of filteredTaskData;"></app-task-panel-list-item>
Can you help me to resolve this unresponsiveness of UI?