Michael Everett
Michael Everett
I think the short answer is that it will be a lot of work, and ultimately I'm not 100% sure it will be issue free. I don't think there is...
I see, yes I, In general as a catch all, just to avoid a program crash, I put many blocks in a high-level try catch and just alert the exception's...
As of Unity 5.5.2 the latest compatible version of the RabbitMQ .NET client is 3.4.4 so issue with versions above 3.4.4 are to be expected (above 3.4.4 has dependencies on...
Keep in mind this project is basically just a GUI wrapper on top of the functionality of [InfluxData.Net](https://github.com/pootzko/InfluxData.Net), which parses and returns the response as a .NET DateTime. So by...
@wardboumans If you are still dealing with this issue, could you try the latest release and see if you have the problem. @pootzko does this sound like something you've run...
What format do you think the data should be in when copied to the clipboard? Currently when exporting you can select CSV or JSON. Or would the clipboard format be...
Understandable, presently F5 refreshes database connections and CTRL+R refreshes the query. One possibility would be to swap those keyboard short cuts. If enough people felt the same way (or offered...
I can't reproduce this locally, what language settings are you using? It might be that .NET is choosing to localize numbers with commas instead of decimal points based on localization...
Are you able to build from source? I have a fix in [a new branch](https://github.com/CymaticLabs/InfluxDBStudio/tree/feature/FixNumericExportValues) that you could checkout and build from and see if this fixes the issue. If...
I'm working on introducing user editable formats for date, time, decimal/float/double, and integer, as well as CSV delimiter/separator. This will be part of the user settings. It'll take me a...