Raul Metsma

Results 35 comments of Raul Metsma

It should be running out of the box on arm. MacOS is running natively on arm64. Also libdigidocpp is compiling on arm and arm64 for android. While back I tried...

RIA does not provide arm64 packages to Windows and Ubuntu. There is possible build packages from source

Distributions have arm packages https://packages.ubuntu.com/kinetic/libqt6core5compat6

I dont understand why you use full paths? Please do not remove certificate from script. Hard to understand what does it fix?

See https://github.com/open-eid/DigiDoc4-Client/issues/969.

Firefox supports on Windows/macOS minidriver and CTK

> I'm pretty sure that the whole mcrd driver could be removed in that case, I don't recall any other active users for it and I doubt new ones have...

> It was added by [462cd0d](https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC/commit/462cd0defc3df4c7e9985b72d166f271c93ba76d) in 2006. Although the driver tries to match 13 known ATRs and looks at ATR history byes for "FinEID" or "FISE" and not matching...

It is the nature of macOS signing. Tim probably donated his personal signing certificate to OpenSC (need to verify by git history). Apple does not give choice to select preferred...

> ls: cannot read symbolic link 'tslcert1.crt': No such file or directory That explains the issue. Maybe there is way to handle this without symlinks. Or you can alter CMake...