NeteaseCloudMusicApi copied to clipboard
网易云音乐API,项目合并至 Meting
网易云音乐 API - PHP 版
基于网易云音乐 web 端接口改写的 PHP 版本, 建议 PHP 5.6 以上环境
本 API 为个人学习作品,请支持正版音乐,勿滥用
- [x] 关键字搜索
- [x] 歌手热门单曲
- [x] 歌曲详细信息
- [x] 专辑解析
- [x] 歌单解析
- [x] 歌曲地址获取
- [x] 歌词解析
- [x] MV 解析
Name | License | Author | Link |
Math_BigInteger | MIT | Jim Wigginton | PHP |
Algorithm | - | stkevintan | Blog |
NetEase-MusicBox | MIT | darknessomi | Github |
NeteaseCloudMusicApi | MIT | axhello | Github |
NeteaseCloud Music | - | Netease Inc. | LINK |
Get Started
# just download the NeteaseMusicAPI.php into directory, require it with the correct path.
# in weapi, you should also put BigInteger.php into same directory, but don't require it.
require_once 'NeteaseMusicAPI.php';
# Initialize
$api = new NeteaseMusicAPI();
# Get data
$result = $api->search('hello');
// or $result = $api->mini()->search('hello');
// $result = $api->artist('46487');
// $result = $api->detail('35847388');
// $result = $api->album('3377030');
// $result = $api->playlist('124394335');
// $result = $api->url('35847388'); # v2 only
// $result = $api->lyric('35847388');
// $result = $api->mv('501053');
# return JSON, just use it
header('Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8');
"result": {
"songs": [
"rtUrls": [],
"ar": [
"id": 46487,
"name": "Adele"
"al": {
"id": 3377030,
"name": "Hello",
"pic_str": "3388694837506899",
"pic": 3388694837506899
"st": 0,
"a": null,
"m": {
"br": 160000,
"fid": 18575149440043431,
"size": 5911555,
"vd": -2.95
"l": {
"br": 96000,
"fid": 3401888991069698,
"size": 3546951,
"vd": -2.98
"rtUrl": null,
"pst": 0,
"dt": 295502,
"alia": [],
"pop": 100,
"rt": null,
"mst": 9,
"cp": 390012,
"crbt": null,
"mv": 501053,
"cf": "",
"h": {
"br": 320000,
"fid": 3420580735976517,
"size": 11823064,
"vd": -3.39
"t": 0,
"djId": 0,
"fee": 0,
"ftype": 0,
"rtype": 0,
"rurl": null,
"v": 13,
"cd": "",
"no": 1,
"name": "Hello",
"id": 35847388,
"privilege": {
"id": 35847388,
"fee": 0,
"payed": 0,
"st": 0,
"pl": 320000,
"dl": 320000,
"sp": 7,
"cp": 1,
"subp": 1,
"cs": false,
"maxbr": 999000,
"fl": 320000,
"toast": false,
"flag": 0
"songCount": 9999
"code": 200
NeteaseCloudMusicApi is under the MIT license.