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High-performance data-driven data specification library for Clojure/Script.
Currently, it seems there is no support for sorted collections. Understandably, it was not a top priority since there are not that common. They are not common but when needed,...
Something like [in Plumatic Schema]( This would do the job of both `validator` and `encoder`/`decoder` (and perhaps also `explainer` if that can be incorporated efficiently) in one pass. Having to...
Right now the implementation of `:catn` has it so that the following example doesn't decode "1.0" if `TestEnum` fails: ```clj (ns sample.core (:require [malli.core :as m] [malli.transform :as mt])) ...
`malli.util/assoc` function doesn't take multiple kv-pairs. `malli.util/dissoc` just takes one key. Many of the functions take additional options parameter. Current docstrings just say `like clojure.core/x`, could be extended to mention...
```clj (let [parse #(Long/parseLong %)] (m/decode [:map [:x {:decode/num parse} :int] [:y {:decode/num parse} :int]] {:x "1" :y "b2"} (mt/transformer {:name :num}))) ``` throws > Execution error (NumberFormatException) at java.lang.NumberFormatException/forInputString...
While I was trying to describe Malli forms with Malli I noticed that recursive generator generation can diverge: ```clj (mg/generator [:schema {:registry {::schema [:or [:= :int] [:= :string] [:cat [:=...
Hi, I'm having an issue with the combination of mutable registries and schema references, namely that references to schemas in the registry are dereferenced only once when a schema is...
## what Instead of allowing one to override just the default registry (using `malli.registry/type`), one should be able to override the full default options instead. ## why 1. one can...
Each Schema has it's own syntax for children. We should describe them using Malli to get proper syntax validation. This is just a new protocol method in `IntoSchema`. Need to...