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Protocol function instrumentation
Hello, thank you very much once again for this great tool.
The doc for function schema instrumentation (link) mentions defn
and doesn't refer to protocol functions so I guess the behaviour below isn't a bug, but more a feature request.
(defprotocol Backend
(upsert [this data])
(delete [this id])
(query [this f]))
(m/=> upsert
[:cat Backend [:map [:id int?]]]
[:map [:id int?]]])
(m/=> delete
[:cat Backend int?]
[:enum :done]])
(m/=> query
[:cat Backend ifn?]
[:sequential [:map [:id int?]]]])
(defrecord InMemoryBackend [state]
(upsert [_ {:keys [id] :as data}] (swap! state assoc id data))
(delete [_ id] (swap! state dissoc id) :done)
(query [_ f] (->> @state vals (filter f))))
(doto (InMemoryBackend. (atom {}))
(upsert {:id 1}))
=> (atom {1 {:id 1}})
;; Not the expected outcome
(doto (InMemoryBackend. (atom {}))
(upsert :should-fail))
=> (atom {nil :should-fail})
Would you consider and review a PR that would extend malli and add support for protocol function instrumentation? Any thoughts about it off the top of your mind?
Would be good to support protocol methods too. But, how would that work? How do Spec and Plumatic handle these?
I haven't donw a lot of research about it, but I have been left under the impression that:
- The Plumatic world hasn't anything very established to do instrumentation;
- The spec world has orchestra, but it looks like it only exposes
(link) so protocol and multimethods probably aren't handled.
Not sure it's feasible, but I will try to think more about a path toward protocol function instrumentation.
This would also be something I would love to see as well. I have several protocols that are used on many different implementations which I want guarantees for inputs/outputs.