compojure-api copied to clipboard
Memory use rises with requests
Library Version(s)
[metosin/compojure-api "1.1.13"] + [prismatic/schema "0.1.12"]
We were experiencing high memory usage, and eventually found out that the issue was introduced with the upgrade to prismatic/schema "0.1.12"
, commit introduced a new lambda, so every call toschema.core/map-elements
instantiates a new schema (since(not= #() #())
). -
and related macros eventually callcompojure.api.coerce/coerce!
on every request. This eventually callscompojure.api.coerce/time-matcher
and possiblycompojure.api.coerce/custom-matcher
(see the full call stack below). Since these are multi-methods, every call to them that falls through to the:default
implementation ends up storing the return value of the dispatch function in the method's cache. This cache kept growing with every request and lead to a memory leak.Related issue:
The full call stack
- compojure.api.coerce/coerce!
- compojure.api.coerce/cached-coercer
- schema.coerce/coercer
- schema.core/spec
- clojure.lang.APersistentMap implementation of schema.core/Schema in schema.core
- schema.core/map-spec
- schema.core/map-elements
- introduces a new lambda, so every call instantiates a different schema
- schema.core/map-elements
- schema.core/map-spec
- clojure.lang.APersistentMap implementation of schema.core/Schema in schema.core
- schema.core/spec
- schema.coerce/coercer
- compojure.api.middleware/coercion-matchers
- compojure.api.middleware/default-coercion-matchers
- compojure.api.coerce/json-schema-coercion-matcher
- compojure.api.coerce/time-matcher and compojure.api.coerce/custom-matcher, which are multimethods so will cache every new schema that falls through the
- compojure.api.coerce/time-matcher and compojure.api.coerce/custom-matcher, which are multimethods so will cache every new schema that falls through the
- compojure.api.coerce/json-schema-coercion-matcher
- compojure.api.middleware/default-coercion-matchers
- compojure.api.coerce/cached-coercer
The failing test
Here is a test that fails on [metosin/compojure-api "1.1.13"] + [prismatic/schema "0.1.12"]
(ns solaris.middleware.coercion-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[compojure.api.core :as cc]
[ring.swagger.coerce :as coerce]
[schema.core :as s]))
(defn get-method-cache [multimethod]
(-> (.getDeclaredField (.getClass multimethod) "methodCache")
(doto (.setAccessible true))
(.get multimethod)))
(deftest cache-should-not-grow-across-multiple-coerce-calls
(letfn [(coerce! [] (compojure.api.coerce/coerce!
{s/Keyword schema.core/Any}
{:query-params {:foo :bar}}))]
(let [original-custom-matcher-cache-count (count (get-method-cache coerce/custom-matcher))
original-time-matcher-cache-count (count (get-method-cache coerce/time-matcher))]
(is (= original-custom-matcher-cache-count (count (get-method-cache coerce/custom-matcher))))
(is (= original-time-matcher-cache-count (count (get-method-cache coerce/time-matcher)))))))
.. for now we have fallen back to [prismatic/schema "0.1.10"]
to resolve the issue..
Also, could this be related to
I reported this upstream:
But I think in general even if this is fixed in schema, it could be triggered if your schema has an extra-key which does not have stable equality. Perhaps compojure-api could use a different kind of caching mechanism to prevent unbounded memory use.
I think everywhere time-matcher
is mentioned it's actually referring to ring.swagger.coerce/time-matcher (similar for the other multimethods).
I think a reasonable fix would be to use (defmulti time-matcher #(when (class? %) %))
instead of (defmulti time-matcher identity)
to work around
EDIT: oh, this was already encouraged by Tommi