svelte-toggle icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svelte-toggle copied to clipboard

Accessible toggle switch component



Accessible toggle switch component

This Svelte component implements accessibility practices for toggle buttons recommended by the Inclusive Components guide.

Try it in the Svelte REPL.


# yarn
yarn add -D svelte-toggle

# npm
npm i -D svelte-toggle

# pnpm
pnpm i -D svelte-toggle



The component is toggled by default.

  import Toggle from "svelte-toggle";

  let isToggled = true;

<Toggle on:toggle={(e) => (isToggled = e.detail)} />

Toggled? {isToggled}

Two-way binding

The toggled prop supports two way binding.

  import Toggle from "svelte-toggle";

  let toggled = false;

<Toggle bind:toggled />

<button on:click={() => (toggled = !toggled)}>
  {toggled ? "Turn off" : "Turn on"}

Switch descriptors

Customize the toggle switch descriptors using the "on" and "off" props.

<Toggle on="On" off="Off" />

Alternatively, you can override the default slot:

<Toggle let:toggled>
  <strong>{toggled ? "Yes" : "No"}</strong>

Small variant

Set small to true to use the small size variant.

<Toggle small />

Custom colors

Customize the switch colors:

  • switchColor (default: #fff)
  • toggledColor (default: #0f62fe)
  • untoggledColor (default: #8d8d8d)
<Toggle switchColor="#eee" toggledColor="#24a148" untoggledColor="#fa4d56" />

Custom label

Customize the label text through the label prop.

<Toggle label="Custom label" />

Hidden label

Set hideLabel to true to visually hide the label.

Note: You should still provide a label value for accessibility.

<Toggle hideLabel label="Custom label" />


Set disabled to true to use the disabled state.

<Toggle disabled />

Fully controlled

ToggleCore is an unstyled component that provides the accessibility attributes for the label and button elements.

Use this component if you want to style the component yourself.

  import { ToggleCore } from "svelte-toggle";

  let on = false;

<ToggleCore toggled={on} let:label let:button>
  <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-label-has-associated-control -->
  <label {...label}>Label</label>
  <button {...button} on:click={() => (on = !on)}>
    {on ? "On" : "Off"}


API for the default Toggle component.


Prop name Type Default value
id string "toggle" + Math.random().toString(36)"
label string "Label"
hideLabel boolean false
small boolean false
toggled boolean true
disabled boolean false
on string undefined
off string undefined
switchColor string "#fff"
toggledColor string "#0f62fe"
untoggledColor string "#8d8d8d"

Dispatched events

  • on:toggle: fired whenever toggled changes
  import Toggle from "svelte-toggle";

  let events = [];

<Toggle on:toggle={(e) => (events = [, e.detail])} />

on:toggle: {events.join(", ")}

Forwarded events

  • on:click
  • on:focus
  • on:blur

