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HomeBridge HomeKit Plugin for HTTP temperature endpoints


Supports http/https devices on HomeBridge Platform. This version only supports temperature sensors returning a JSON with the data or the raw data.

This plug-in acts as an interface between a web endpoint and homebridge only. You will still need some dedicated hardware to expose the web endpoints with the temperature information. In my case, I used an Arduino board with Wifi capabilities.


  1. Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
  2. Install this plugin using: npm install -g homebridge-http-temperature
  3. Update your configuration file. See sample-config.json in this repository for a sample.


The available fields in the config.json file are:

  • Mandatory
    • url Endpoint URL (must start with http:// or https://).
    • name Accessory name.
  • Optional
    • auth Object with user and pass fields used to authenticate the request using basic http auth.
    • debug Enable/disable debug logs (Default: false).
    • field_name Field path that will be used from the JSON response of the endpoint. Alternatively, if the field_name contains an empty string ("field_name": ""), the expected response is directly the current temperature value (Default: temperature).
    • http_headers Object with headers for http requests. See http.request documentation for more information.
    • http_method HTTP method used to get the temperature (Default: GET).
    • http_protocol http/https protocol to use (Default: infered from url). Supported values are: "http" and "https".
    • manufacturer Additional information for the accessory.
    • min_temp Min. temperature that can be returned by the endpoint (Default: -100).
    • max_temp Max. temperature that can be returned by the endpoint (Default: 130).
    • model Additional information for the accessory.
    • serial Additional information for the accessory.
    • timeout Waiting time for the endpoint response before fail (Default: 5000ms).
    • units Temperature units of the value returned by the endpoint. Supported values are: "C" for Celsius and "F" for Fahrenheit (Default: 'C').
    • update_interval If not zero, the field defines the polling period in milliseconds for the sensor state (Default is 120000ms). When the value is zero, the state is only updated when homebridge requests the current value.


The following sections provide different configuration examples. For a ready-to-go example, see the sample-config.json file in the git repository.

Minimal HTTP

"accessories": [
    "accessory": "HttpTemperature",
    "name": "Outside Temperature",
    "url": "http://IP/path/to/endpoint"

HTTPS + Auth + JSON-field

"accessories": [
    "accessory": "HttpTemperature",
    "name": "Outside Temperature",
    "url": "https://IP/path/to/endpoint",
    "field_name": "temperature",
    "auth": {
      "user": "test",
       "pass": "1234"

With this configuration, the endpoint should return a JSON with (at least) a temperature field. It should look like:

  "temperature": 25.8

Advanced JSON parsing

If the defined endpoint returns something more complicated like:

  "time": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS",
  "device_info": {
  "values": [
      "temp1": 31.5,
      "temp2": 24.1
      "temp1": 27.8,
      "temp2": 29.3

The configuration to get temp2 from 1st set of values would look like:

"accessories": [
    "accessory": "HttpTemperature",
    "name": "Outside Temperature",
    "url": "https://IP/path/to/endpoint",
    "field_name": "values.[0].temp2",