metasfresh-webui-frontend-legacy copied to clipboard
metasfresh Webui Frontend
Metasfresh Front-end Application
For webui-frontend developers
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Create config. In that case run:
cp src/config.js.dist src/config.js
Dev environment
install npm and node.js
make sure you have all dependencies by:
npm install
- Then remember of creating config:
cp /config.js.dist /config.js
- Then you should run node server by:
npm start
In case of static version building execute (you are going need Webpack installed globally):
webpack --config
And after that we need config.js
in dist
cp /config.js.dist /dist/
Remember to ensure before contribution that your IDE supports .editorconfig
and if needed fix your file before commit changes.
Also remember to respect our code-schema rules. All of them are listed in eslint and stylelint config files. To use them, just run:
npm run-script lint
npm run-script stylelint
(first one is also autofixing when possible)
Notice: CI/CD legacy
Submodule meta-frontend-ansible.git and .gitlab-ci.yml file are legacy of CI/CD.
Project has a generic structure. Name of components and their containers should be strictly defined and keep for better understanding.
MasterWindow - (e.g. /window/143/1000000
) It is container for displaying single document view.
DocList - (e.g. /window/143/
) It's a view with a list of documents kept in table.
DocumentList - It is a component that combining table for documents, filters, selection attributes, etc...
Window - It is a component that is generating set of sections, columns, element's groups, element's lines and widgets (these are defined by backend layout)
Widget - (MasterWidget, RawWidget) It is a component for getting user input.
Header - It is a top navbar with logo.
Subheader - It is a part of Header and is toggled by button with a home icon.
Sidelist - Toggled by button with hamburger menu icon in Header. It is collapsing panel situated on right side of 'browser window'.
MenuOverlay - These are components that float over Header and contain navigation links, triggered from breadcrumb.
SelectionAttributes - It is a panel that might contain Widgets and it is a side by side table in DocumentList.
- MasterWindow
- Container
- Window
- DocList
- Container
- DocumentList
- Container
- Header
- Modal
- RawModal
- Window
- Widget
- Tabs
- DocumentList
- Table
- Filters
- SelectionAttributes
- Header
- Subheader
- Sidelist
- Breadcrumb
- MenuOverlay
- Modal
- Window
- Process
- RawModal
- DocumentList
For webui-api developers
If you are developing against the metasfresh-webui-api,
you might want to run the webui-frontend without locally installing node and npm.
If you have a docker host, you can do so by checking out this repository and then following the instructions in the docker file docker/Dockerfile-env
Thanks to issue #1013 and Seweryn Zeman.