transmission-exporter copied to clipboard
Prometheus exporter for Transmission metrics, written in Go.
sudo docker run -d --restart=always -p 19091:19091 metalmatze/transmission-exporter Transmission: 3.00 (bb6b5a062e), RPC: 16 2022/03/26 04:35:38 starting transmission-exporter 2022/03/26 04:35:53 failed to get session: json: cannot unmarshal number -1 into Go...
The error above is because of a change between transmission rpc version 15 (e.g. transmission 2.96) and rpc version 16 (e.g. transmission 3.00). In transmission rpc version 15, LastScrapeTimedOut returns...
Trying to run in portainer, getting this error in the logs when accessing the metrics page which kills the container.
Hello, I get informations shown on http://myip:19091/metrics, but on Grafana, I get the following answer to my queries: > Object > request:Object > url:"api/datasources/proxy/15/api/v1/query_range?query=transmission_session_stats_uploaded_bytes%7Btype%3D%22cumulative%22%7D&start=1627984230&end=1627987830&step=30" > method:"GET" > hideFromInspector:false > response:"...
If I'm following the standards as listed in the [docker-compose docs](, shouldn't there be a dash in front of the variable name and then an =? environment: TRANSMISSION_ADDR: http://transmission:9091 vs...
Any chances that this project can ship pre-build binaries on the release page as asset ? I would target only the most common systems, but already this would simplify the...
Hi, i have multiple transmission containers running i would like to collect metrics from. Is it possible to do that with a single exporter? Otherwise i would have to add...
I'm new to Prometheus so my understanding might be wrong. I don't think the status should be a gauge? Code that I'm referring to (note the conversion from `t.Status` to...