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📜 Automatically add next page
Infinite Scroll
Automatically add next page
See for complete docs and demos.
- infinite-scroll.pkgd.min.js minified, or
- infinite-scroll.pkgd.js un-minified
Link directly to Infinite Scroll files on unpkg.
<script src=""></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src=""></script>
Package managers
npm: npm install infinite-scroll
Yarn: yarn add infinite-scroll
Commercial license
If you want to use Infinite Scroll to develop commercial sites, themes, projects, and applications, the Commercial license is the appropriate license. With this option, your source code is kept proprietary. Purchase an Infinite Scroll Commercial License at
Open source license
If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GNU GPL license v3, you may use Infinite Scroll under the terms of the GPLv3.
Read more about Infinite Scroll's license.
Infinite Scroll works on a container element with its child item elements
<div class="container">
<article class="post">...</article>
<article class="post">...</article>
<article class="post">...</article>
let infScroll = new InfiniteScroll( '.container', {
// defaults listed
path: undefined,
// REQUIRED. Determines the URL for the next page
// Set to selector string to use the href of the next page's link
// path: '.pagination__next'
// Or set with {{#}} in place of the page number in the url
// path: '/blog/page/{{#}}'
// or set with function
// path: function() {
// return return '/articles/P' + ( ( this.loadCount + 1 ) * 10 );
// }
append: undefined,
// REQUIRED for appending content
// Appends selected elements from loaded page to the container
checkLastPage: true,
// Checks if page has path selector element
// Set to string if path is not set as selector string:
// checkLastPage: '.pagination__next'
prefill: false,
// Loads and appends pages on intialization until scroll requirement is met.
responseBody: 'text',
// Sets the method used on the response.
// Set to 'json' to load JSON.
domParseResponse: true,
// enables parsing response body into a DOM
// disable to load flat text
fetchOptions: undefined,
// sets custom settings for the fetch() request
// for setting headers, cors, or POST method
// can be set to an object, or a function that returns an object
outlayer: false,
// Integrates Masonry, Isotope or Packery
// Appended items will be added to the layout
scrollThreshold: 400,
// Sets the distance between the viewport to scroll area
// for scrollThreshold event to be triggered.
elementScroll: false,
// Sets scroller to an element for overflow element scrolling
loadOnScroll: true,
// Loads next page when scroll crosses over scrollThreshold
history: 'replace',
// Changes the browser history and URL.
// Set to 'push' to use history.pushState()
// to create new history entries for each page change.
historyTitle: true,
// Updates the window title. Requires history enabled.
hideNav: undefined,
// Hides navigation element
status: undefined,
// Displays status elements indicating state of page loading:
// .infinite-scroll-request, .infinite-scroll-load, .infinite-scroll-error
// status: '.page-load-status'
button: undefined,
// Enables a button to load pages on click
// button: '.load-next-button'
onInit: undefined,
// called on initialization
// useful for binding events on init
// onInit: function() {
// this.on( 'append', function() {...})
// }
debug: false,
// Logs events and state changes to the console.
Browser support
Infinite Scroll v4 supports Chrome 60+, Edge 79+, Firefox 55+, Safari 11+.
For IE10 and Android 4 support, try Infinite Scroll v3.
This package is developed with Node.js v14 and npm v6. Manage Node and npm version with nvm.
nvm use
Install dependencies
npm install
npm run lint
Run tests
npm test
By Metafizzy 🌈🐻