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The 'perl' dist previous version history is a mess
Compare the "Other releases" dropdown at To the one provided by metacpan here:
In addition to it being near impossible to find stuff (the RC markers are missing etc), the data at times is plain incorrect, e.g.:
<option value="/release/NWCLARK/perl-5.8.4/">
(NWCLARK on 2004-04-21)
As far as solutions go I think 'perl' is notable enough to be special cased by the display controller to display normalized sorted entries. CC-ing @rjbs for comments if any.
For the 5.8.4 release, the tarball includes a META.yml listing the version as 5.008003. Using the filename rather than the META contents would be preferable in this case.
Putting aside the question of bogus metadata, it would be helpful if we could sort the version browser by version number rather than by upload. I realize this is non-standard, but I would argue that the perl
distribution warrants special casing. I would be happy to write a sort function, if it would help.
It does seem reasonable to special case perl for this.
We also could probably do some more useful filtering. It would be good to have a separate page that listed every release of a dist, and then filter the list of versions in the header a bit more.
I pulled all the version of Perl listed in the <select>
in the HTML and wrote the code below. It's, uh, not my favorite code I've ever written, but it appears much closer to useful for version sorted.
my @sorted =
map {; $_->[0] }
sort {; $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] # 5
|| $b->[2] <=> $a->[2] # 32
|| $b->[3] cmp $a->[3] # 000 (from 0, sprintf-ed)
|| $b->[3] cmp $a->[3] # RC2
map {;
my ($str, $suffix) = split /-/, $_, 2;
my @parts = split /[._]/, $str;
if (@parts == 2 && length $parts[1] > 2) {
splice @parts, 1, 0, substr($parts[1], 0, 3);
substr $parts[2], 0, 3, '';
if ($parts[2] =~ /\A([0-9]+)([^0-9].+)?\z/) {
$parts[2] = sprintf "%03u%s", $1, $2 // '';
$parts[2] //= 0;
$suffix //= '';
push @parts, $suffix;
[ $_, @parts ]