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Toucan put a string as table name in sql using mysql
Hi @camsaul,
I'm playing with Toucan, connecting to a mysql db.
I configured Toucan to work with hikari
datasource and mount
(ns reviews.database
(:require [hikari-cp.core :as h]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]
[toucan.models :refer [set-root-namespace!]]
[toucan.db :refer [set-default-db-connection!]]))
;move to configuration
(def datasource-options {:auto-commit true
:read-only false
:connection-timeout 30000
:validation-timeout 5000
:idle-timeout 600000
:max-lifetime 1800000
:minimum-idle 1
:maximum-pool-size 10
:pool-name "db-pool"
:adapter "mysql"
:username "root"
:password "root"
:database-name "reviews-app"
:server-name "localhost"
:port-number 3306
:register-mbeans false})
(defn- create-datasource []
(doto {:datasource (h/make-datasource datasource-options)}
(defstate database
:start (create-datasource)
:stop (h/close-datasource (database :datasource)))
(set-root-namespace! 'reviews.models)
Having my model:
(:require [toucan.models :refer [defmodel]]))
(defmodel Review :reviews)
When I do:
user=> (t/debug-print-queries
(t/select 'Review))
; {:select [:*],
; :from [{:table :reviews, :name "Review", :toucan.models/model true}]}
; nil
; FROM "reviews"
; null
I get the following exception:
Execution error (MySQLSyntaxErrorException) at
jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl/newInstance0 ( have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '"reviews"' at line 1 class com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException
The issue is that it writes the table name as "reviews"
instead of review
Have I misconfigured something or is this some sort of bug?
Have you tried to change this
(defmodel Review :reviews)
(defmodel Review :review)
I ran into the same issue. You have to set default quoting style: (toucan.db/set-default-quoting-style! :mysql)
or bind toucan.db/*quoting-style*
dynamic var.
it is documented here: