subgraphs copied to clipboard
Abracadabra (Ethereum) Schema Version 1.2.1 Subgraph Version 1.0.1 Methodology Version 1.0.0
Things to fix:
- TVL requires tweeking on initial values and check spike in Oct-Nov
- Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra Market TVL significant difference than what's quoted on site, inputTokenPriceUSD also NOT OK
- yVault wETH TVL significant difference than what's quoted on site
- FTT-MIM inputTokenPriceUSD - FTT significant difference from CoinGecko
- wBTC and USDC all revenue metrics and inputTokenPrice metrics off.
Too high TVL on Abracadabra Ethereum. Currently:
"data": {
"lendingProtocols": [
"totalValueLockedUSD": "77932794955988730242069442.97085035"
@lowjiansheng still iterating on this QA to try and fix... I will be working on this today.
@pietydespises what's the latest on this? Dylan said he's finished all fixes
Fantom issue on wftm borrow vs tvl is resolved on currently syncing subgraph 1.2.9. Thank you @dmelotik, fyi @this-username-is-taken