ruby-rest-api copied to clipboard
bug in the http_client.rb code in 4.0.0 build_request method - modified request is not returned if params not empty and submit method allowed
in the following code the request object is not modified or returned in the case where the SUBMIT_METHODS & params not empty in http_client.c
62 def build_request(method, uri, params = {})
63 # Construct the HTTP request.
64 raise MethodNotAllowedException unless ALLOWED_METHODS.include?(method)
66 request = Class.const_get("Net::HTTP::#{method.to_s.capitalize}").new(uri.request_uri)
68 request['Accept'] = 'application/json'
69 request['Authorization'] = "AccessKey #{@access_key}"
70 request['User-Agent'] = "MessageBird/ApiClient/#{Version::STRING} Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION}"
71 if SUBMIT_METHODS.include?(method) && !params.empty?
72 prepare_request(request, params)
73 end
74 request
75 end
The code on line 72 should read
request = prepare_request(request, params)