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A Python package to centralize some Google Cloud Data Catalog scripts, this repo contains commands like bulk CSV operations that help leverage Data Catalog features.

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A Python package to manage Google Cloud Data Catalog helper commands and scripts.

Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.

Commands List

Group Command Description Documentation Link Code Repo
tags create Load Tags from CSV file. GO GO
tags delete Delete Tags from CSV file. GO GO
tags export Export Tags to CSV file. GO GO
tag-templates create Load Templates from CSV file. GO GO
tag-templates delete Delete Templates from CSV file. GO GO
tag-templates export Export Templates to CSV file. GO GO
filesets create Create GCS filesets from CSV file. GO GO
filesets enrich Enrich GCS filesets with Tags. GO GO
filesets clean-up-templates-and-tags Cleans up the Fileset Template and their Tags. GO GO
filesets delete Delete GCS filesets from CSV file. GO GO
filesets export Export Filesets to CSV file. GO GO
object-storage create-entries Create Entries for each Object Storage File. GO GO
object-storage delete-entries Delete Entries that belong to the Object Storage Files. GO GO

Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

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Table of Contents

  • 0. Executing in Cloud Shell from PyPi
  • 1. Environment setup for local build
    • 1.1. Python + virtualenv
      • 1.1.1. Install Python 3.6+
      • 1.1.2. Get the source code
      • 1.1.3. Create and activate an isolated Python environment
      • 1.1.4. Install the package
    • 1.2. Docker
    • 1.3. Auth credentials
      • 1.3.1. Create a service account and grant it below roles
      • 1.3.2. Download a JSON key and save it as
      • 1.3.3. Set the environment variables
  • 2. Load Tags from CSV file
    • 2.1. Create a CSV file representing the Tags to be created
      • 2.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 2.2. Run the datacatalog-util script - Create the Tags
    • 2.3. Run the datacatalog-util script - Delete the Tags
  • 3. Export Tags to CSV file
    • 3.1. A list of CSV files, each representing one Template will be created.
      • 3.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 3.2. Run tags export
    • 3.3 Run tags export filtering Tag Templates
  • 4. Load Templates from CSV file
    • 4.1. Create a CSV file representing the Templates to be created
      • 4.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 4.2. Run the datacatalog-util script - Create the Tag Templates
    • 4.3. Run the datacatalog-util script - Delete the Tag Templates
  • 5. Export Templates to CSV file
    • 5.1. A CSV file representing the Templates will be created
      • 5.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 5.2. Run the datacatalog-util script
  • 6. Filesets Commands
    • 6.1. Create a CSV file representing the Entry Groups and Entries to be created
      • 6.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 6.2. Create the Filesets Entry Groups and Entries
      • 6.2.1 Create the Filesets Entry Groups and Entries - with DataFlow SQL types validation
    • 6.3. Enrich GCS Filesets with Tags
      • 6.3.1 Enrich all fileset entries using Tag Template from a different Project (Good way to reuse the same Template)
      • 6.3.2 Execute Fileset Enricher Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 6.4. clean up template and tags
    • 6.5. Delete the Filesets Entry Groups and Entries
  • 7. Export Filesets to CSV file
    • 7.1. A CSV file representing the Filesets will be created
      • 7.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 7.2. Run the datacatalog-util script
  • 8. DataCatalog Object Storage commands
    • 8.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell
    • 8.2. Create DataCatalog entries based on object storage files
    • 8.3. Delete object storage entries on entry group
  • 9. Data Catalog Templates Examples

0. Executing in Cloud Shell from PyPi

If you want to execute this script directly in cloud shell, download it from PyPi:

# Set your SERVICE ACCOUNT, for instructions go to 1.3. Auth credentials
# This name is just a suggestion, feel free to name it following your naming conventions
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/credentials/datacatalog-util-sa.json

# Install datacatalog-util
pip3 install --upgrade datacatalog-util --user

# Add to your PATH
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

# Look for available commands
datacatalog-util --help

1. Environment setup for local build

1.1. Python + virtualenv

Using virtualenv is optional, but strongly recommended unless you use Docker.

1.1.1. Install Python 3.6+

1.1.2. Get the source code

git clone
cd ./datacatalog-util

All paths starting with ./ in the next steps are relative to the datacatalog-util folder.

1.1.3. Create and activate an isolated Python environment

pip install --upgrade virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv --python python3 env
source ./env/bin/activate

1.1.4. Install the package

pip install --upgrade .

1.2. Docker

Docker may be used as an alternative to run the script. In this case, please disregard the Virtualenv setup instructions.

1.3. Auth credentials

1.3.1. Create a service account and grant it below roles

  • Data Catalog Admin
  • Storage Admin

1.3.2. Download a JSON key and save it as

This name is just a suggestion, feel free to name it following your naming conventions

  • ./credentials/datacatalog-util-sa.json

1.3.3. Set the environment variables

This step may be skipped if you're using Docker.

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=~/credentials/datacatalog-util-sa.json

2. Load Tags from CSV file

2.1. Create a CSV file representing the Tags to be created

Tags are composed of as many lines as required to represent all of their fields. The columns are described as follows:

Column Description Mandatory
linked_resource Full name of the asset the Entry refers to. Y
template_name Resource name of the Tag Template for the Tag. Y
column Attach Tags to a column belonging to the Entry schema. N
field_id Id of the Tag field. Y
field_value Value of the Tag field. Y


2.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell

2.2. Run the datacatalog-util script - Create the Tags

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util tags create --csv-file CSV_FILE_PATH
  • Docker
docker build --rm --tag datacatalog-util .
docker run --rm --tty \
  --volume CREDENTIALS_FILE_FOLDER:/credentials --volume CSV_FILE_FOLDER:/data \
  datacatalog-util create-tags --csv-file /data/CSV_FILE_NAME

2.3. Run the datacatalog-util script - Delete the Tags

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util tags delete --csv-file CSV_FILE_PATH

3. Export Tags to CSV file

3.1. A list of CSV files, each representing one Template will be created.

One file with summary with stats about each template, will also be created on the same directory.

The columns for the summary file are described as follows:

Column Description
template_name Resource name of the Tag Template for the Tag.
tags_count Number of tags found from the template.
tagged_entries_count Number of tagged entries with the template.
tagged_columns_count Number of tagged columns with the template.
tag_string_fields_count Number of used String fields on tags of the template.
tag_bool_fields_count Number of used Bool fields on tags of the template.
tag_double_fields_count Number of used Double fields on tags of the template.
tag_timestamp_fields_count Number of used Timestamp fields on tags of the template.
tag_enum_fields_count Number of used Enum fields on tags of the template.

The columns for each template file are described as follows:

Column Description
relative_resource_name Full resource name of the asset the Entry refers to.
linked_resource Full name of the asset the Entry refers to.
template_name Resource name of the Tag Template for the Tag.
tag_name Resource name of the Tag.
column Attach Tags to a column belonging to the Entry schema.
field_id Id of the Tag field.
field_type Type of the Tag field.
field_value Value of the Tag field.

3.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

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3.2. Run tags export

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util tags export --project-ids my-project --dir-path DIR_PATH

3.3 Run tags export filtering Tag Templates

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util tags export --project-ids my-project \
--dir-path DIR_PATH \
--tag-templates-names projects/my-project/locations/us-central1/tagTemplates/my-template,\

4. Load Templates from CSV file

4.1. Create a CSV file representing the Templates to be created

Templates are composed of as many lines as required to represent all of their fields. The columns are described as follows:

Column Description Mandatory
template_name Resource name of the Tag Template for the Tag. Y
display_name Resource name of the Tag Template for the Tag. Y
field_id Id of the Tag Template field. Y
field_display_name Display name of the Tag Template field. Y
field_type Type of the Tag Template field. Y
enum_values Values for the Enum field. N

4.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell

4.2. Run the datacatalog-util script - Create the Tag Templates

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util tag-templates create --csv-file CSV_FILE_PATH

4.3. Run the datacatalog-util script - Delete the Tag Templates

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util tag-templates delete --csv-file CSV_FILE_PATH


5. Export Templates to CSV file

5.1. A CSV file representing the Templates will be created

Templates are composed of as many lines as required to represent all of their fields. The columns are described as follows:

Column Description
template_name Resource name of the Tag Template for the Tag.
display_name Resource name of the Tag Template for the Tag.
field_id Id of the Tag Template field.
field_display_name Display name of the Tag Template field.
field_type Type of the Tag Template field.
enum_values Values for the Enum field.

5.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell

5.2. Run the datacatalog-util script

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util tag-templates export --project-ids my-project --file-path CSV_FILE_PATH

6. Filesets Commands

6.1. Create a CSV file representing the Entry Groups and Entries to be created

Filesets are composed of as many lines as required to represent all of their fields. The columns are described as follows:

Column Description Mandatory
entry_group_name Entry Group Name. Y
entry_group_display_name Entry Group Display Name. N
entry_group_description Entry Group Description. N
entry_id Entry ID. Y
entry_display_name Entry Display Name. Y
entry_description Entry Description. N
entry_file_patterns Entry File Patterns. Y
schema_column_name Schema column name. N
schema_column_type Schema column type. N
schema_column_description Schema column description. N
schema_column_mode Schema column mode. N

Please note that the schema_column_type is an open string field and accept anything, if you want to use your fileset with Dataflow SQL, follow the data-types in the official docs.

6.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell

6.2. Create the Filesets Entry Groups and Entries

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util filesets create --csv-file CSV_FILE_PATH


6.2.1 Create the Filesets Entry Groups and Entries - with DataFlow SQL types validation

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util filesets create --csv-file CSV_FILE_PATH --validate-dataflow-sql-types

6.3. Enrich GCS Filesets with Tags

Users are able to choose the Tag fields from the list provided at Tags

datacatalog-util filesets enrich --project-id my-project 

6.3.1 Enrich all fileset entries using Tag Template from a different Project (Good way to reuse the same Template)

If you are using a different Project, make sure the Service Account has the following permissions on that Project or that Template:

  • Data Catalog TagTemplate Creator
  • Data Catalog TagTemplate User
datacatalog-util filesets \
  --project-id my_project \
  enrich --tag-template-name projects/my_different_project/locations/us-central1/tagTemplates/fileset_enricher_findings

6.3.2 Execute Fileset Enricher Tutorial in Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell

6.4. clean up template and tags

Cleans up the Template and Tags from the Fileset Entries, running the main command will recreate those.

datacatalog-util filesets clean-up-templates-and-tags --project-id my-project 

6.5. Delete the Filesets Entry Groups and Entries

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util filesets delete --csv-file CSV_FILE_PATH

7. Export Filesets to CSV file

7.1. A CSV file representing the Filesets will be created

Filesets are composed of as many lines as required to represent all of their fields. The columns are described as follows:

Column Description Mandatory
entry_group_name Entry Group Name. Y
entry_group_display_name Entry Group Display Name. Y
entry_group_description Entry Group Description. Y
entry_id Entry ID. Y
entry_display_name Entry Display Name. Y
entry_description Entry Description. Y
entry_file_patterns Entry File Patterns. Y
schema_column_name Schema column name. N
schema_column_type Schema column type. N
schema_column_description Schema column description. N
schema_column_mode Schema column mode. N

7.1.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell

7.2. Run the datacatalog-util script

  • Python + virtualenv
datacatalog-util filesets export --project-ids my-project --file-path CSV_FILE_PATH

8. DataCatalog Object Storage commands

8.1 Execute Tutorial in Cloud Shell

Open in Cloud Shell

8.2. Create DataCatalog entries based on object storage files

datacatalog-util \
  object-storage sync-entries --type cloud_storage \
  --project-id my_project \
  --entry-group-name projects/my_project/locations/us-central1/entryGroups/my_entry_group \
  --bucket-prefix my_bucket

8.3. Delete object storage entries on entry group

datacatalog-util \
  object-storage delete-entries --type cloud_storage \
  --project-id my_project \
  --entry-group-name projects/my_project/locations/us-central1/entryGroups/my_entry_group

9. Data Catalog Templates Examples