easysnap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
easysnap copied to clipboard


:neckbeard: Live demo React client

:sunglasses: GraphQL Playground



1- Node.JS Server

Clone this repo and go to server folder.

$ cd server
$ npm install

Enviroment variables

Create a file named ".env" in the root directory and fill its contents as follows.

DB_URI = mongodb://<dbuser>:<dbpassword>@<dbhost>:<dbport>/<dbname>
SECRET_KEY = your secret key

Run the app

$ npm run start:dev

and go to localhost:4001/graphql

2- React Client

Clone this repo and go to client folder.

$ cd client
$ npm install

Enviroment variables

- Development

Create a file named ".env.development" in the root directory and fill its contents as follows.

REACT_APP_HTTP_URI = http://localhost:4001/graphql
REACT_APP_SUBSCRIPTION_URI = ws://localhost:4001/graphql

- Production

Create a file named ".env.production" in the root directory and fill its contents as follows.

REACT_APP_HTTP_URI = https://easysnap.herokuapp.com/graphql  // This is an example. Please write your GraphQL HTTP URI.
REACT_APP_SUBSCRIPTION_URI = ws://easysnap.herokuapp.com/graphql // This is an example. Please write your GraphQL WS URI.

Run the app

$ npm start

and go to localhost:3000