ansible-prometheus copied to clipboard
Fix issue templating systemd unit file
This resolves the following error that I have experienced provisioning prometheus node exporter on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as well as Rocky Linux 8, from a Mac OS Ansible controller host:
TASK [mesaguy.prometheus : Create systemd configuration file for node_exporter service] **************************************************************************************************************************************
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: ): can only concatenate list (not "AnsibleUnsafeText") to list
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleError: Unexpected templating type error occurred on (#\n# Do not edit manually, this file is managed using automation tools\n#\n\n[Unit]\nDescription={{ prometheus_software_description }}\nDocumentation={{ prometheus_software_documentation }}\\\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\n{% if prometheus_configure_ulimits | bool -%}\nLimitNOFILE={{ prometheus_ulimit_hard_nofile }}\n{% endif -%}\n{% if prometheus_software_systemd_options is defined and prometheus_software_systemd_options -%}\n{% for prometheus_software_systemd_option in prometheus_software_systemd_options -%}\n{{ prometheus_software_systemd_option }}\n{% endfor -%}\n{% endif -%}\n{% if prometheus_software_env_vars is defined and prometheus_software_env_vars -%}\nEnvironmentFile={{ prometheus_etc_dir }}/{{ prometheus_software_service_name }}.env\n{% endif -%}\nUser={% if prometheus_software_runas is defined and prometheus_software_runas -%}\n{{ prometheus_software_runas }}\n{% else -%}\n{{ prometheus_user }}\n{% endif -%}\nGroup={{ prometheus_group }}\n{% for c in [prometheus_software_binary] + prometheus_software_command_args %}\n{% if loop.first and loop.length == 1 %}\nExecStart={% if prometheus_software_prefix_command is defined and prometheus_software_prefix_command %}{{ prometheus_software_prefix_command | join (' ') | replace ('\"', \"'\" ) }} {% endif %}{{ c }}\n{% elif loop.first %}\nExecStart={% if prometheus_software_prefix_command is defined and prometheus_software_prefix_command %}{{ prometheus_software_prefix_command | join (' ') | replace ('\"', \"'\" ) }} {% endif %}{{ c }} \\\n{% elif loop.last %}\n {{ c | replace ('\"', \"'\" ) }}\n{% else %}\n {{ c | replace ('\"', \"'\" ) }} \\\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}\n{% if prometheus_software_validation_command is defined and prometheus_software_validation_command -%}\nExecStartPre={{ prometheus_software_validation_command }}\n{% endif -%}\n{% if prometheus_software_supports_reload is defined and prometheus_software_supports_reload -%}\nExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID\n{% endif -%}\n{% if prometheus_systemd_pid and installer_instance is defined and installer_instance and -%}\nExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c \"echo $MAINPID > /var/run/prometheus-{{ prometheus_software_name }}__{{ }}/{{ prometheus_software_name }}.pid\"\nPIDfile=/var/run/prometheus-{{ prometheus_software_name }}__{{ }}/{{ prometheus_software_name }}.pid\nRuntimeDirectory=prometheus-{{ prometheus_software_name }}__{{ }}\n{% elif prometheus_systemd_pid -%}\nExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c \"echo $MAINPID > /var/run/prometheus-{{ prometheus_software_name }}/{{ prometheus_software_name }}.pid\"\nPIDfile=/var/run/prometheus-{{ prometheus_software_name }}/{{ prometheus_software_name }}.pid\nRuntimeDirectory=prometheus-{{ prometheus_software_name }}\n{% endif %}\nRestart=on-failure\nRestartSec=60\n\n[Install]\\n): can only concatenate list (not \"AnsibleUnsafeText\") to list"}
to retry, use: --limit @/Users/ashley/.ansible-retry/install_prometheus_node_exporter.retry
I observe the same error on a Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS host from a macOS 12.4 controller host
hi, i got the same problem, would be great if this would be merged soon @mesaguy
Hi there. I've experienced the same issue, and am currently using ashleykleynhans' repo successfully. Is there any update to this PR?
Maybe mesaguy died or something. His last Github contribution was in April 2021, and his domain is also no longer registered.