M. Mert Yildiran

Results 39 issues of M. Mert Yildiran

Entity Component Systems (ECS) are widely used among game programmers since it's a data organization pattern that does not require inheritance unlike common Object-Oriented patterns but instead functionality is provided...

feature request

Implement the `args` core library and provide the necessary C extension API in the language's source to access command-line arguments from Chaos C extensions. For a command like this: ```text...

feature request

Implement the core library `inspect` to provide reflection capabilities: ```ruby import inspect import math num def multiply_these(num a, num b, num c) num r = a * b * c...

feature request

Implement error handling using the decision block and `catch` statement. This feature will also require implementing a core library named `errors` to fetch the error code. The syntax will look...

feature request

Implement `break` and `continue` keywords for loops. These keywords should only be usable inside decision blocks like: ```chaos num def add(num x, num y) num z = x + y...

feature request

I have this workflow: ```yml name: Publish the Debian Package on: release: types: [published] jobs: publish-deb-package: name: Build and publish the Debian package runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: docker://dragoncomputer/dragonfire:latest steps: -...

While I was trying to pack a project for Debian that using `import pocketsphinx` Python module, I realized that there is a **namespace collision** between: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pocketsphinx (source: https://github.com/bambocher/pocketsphinx-python) and https://packages.debian.org/jessie/python/python-pocketsphinx...

`package.json` will be updated once the dependency `@mapbox/rehype-prism` publishes a new release.

Adds an option named `syntax` to provide a way to register a new Prism language definition. [See](https://github.com/wooorm/refractor#refractorregistersyntax).

- [x] Make workers store PCAP files of emittable TCP streams. - [x] Upon querying (on demand) dissect the PCAP files. - [x] Filter the dissected results based on [KFL](https://docs.kubeshark.co/en/querying#kfl-syntax-reference)....
