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State diagram: a problem with state names (state descriptions, the ":" operator)
Code Sample
state Cluster {
state Node1: Node {
state Pods1: Pods {
A: Container A1
B: Container B1
C: Container C1
state Node2: Node {
state Pods2: Pods {
A2: Container A2
B2: Container B2
C2: Container C2
state Cluster {
state "Node" as Node1 {
state "Pods" as Pods1 {
A: Container A1
B: Container B1
C: Container C1
state "Node" as Node2 {
state "Pods" as Pods2 {
A2: Container A2
B2: Container B2
C2: Container C2
(this one doesn't "compile" to begin with)
Describe the bug The expected behavior is for states to utilize the same syntax as the other components do. I can provide an ID for the components, e.g. the A, B, C or A2, B2, C2... then provide an alias or "name" for each using the ":" operator.
Following the official documentation at:
I can read that: "Another way is by using the state keyword with a description as per below:
stateDiagram-v2 state "This is a state description" as s2 Another way to define a state with a description is to define the state id followed by a colon and the description:
stateDiagram-v2 s2 : This is a state description"
As provided (unless I am mistaken somehow) the expected syntax of ":" doesn't work when using "state" components. Neither the "as", nor the ":" seem to work.
Expected behavior Both operators should allow the user to write down the ID of the state (so without e.g. spaces) and then allow for writing down a specific name/alias that allows providing a name which accepts special characters, spaces etc.
This could be an indirect follow up of:
I use the Mermaidv9.1.3 Live Editor