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Organizational Charts
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I'm trying to write a simple organizational chart/organigram using the graph
diagram, but I feel the lack of these features:
- option to add a same level node even if it's only linked to another node. In this case one should decide the side where it appears. The option should be left/right in my situation, but it can be before/after to ensure
graph LR
orgraph RL
compatibily. In the example below I'm referring to the nodes "Staff Centrali" and "Amministrazione". A similar feature was requested in #637 - option to force the links to not use diagonal lines, useful with invisible nodes which have
style NODE width:0
Describe the solution you'd like
Adding these features to the graph
diagram should be enough for most organigrams
Describe alternatives you've considered I tried to replicate the image below with Mermaid, this is the code.
An option to make the connecting more edgy/hard and not curved would be nice, too
Guess you can do something crude with flowchart
subgraph team1
subgraph team2
I think it might end up being a little easier/better to create a new diagram type
If you go for a new diagram type. It would be great to have the option to add an attribute to the node, especially for the people's names.
| CEO |
| John Doe |
I'm not sure if this is over the top. We have a organigramm with all employee names. So new employees see who is where.
So @phdreyer 's idea is great, but I would like to see the option to add the whole team.
This would be great. I would also add that allowing for a person's headshot, position, etc. would be very useful. Moreover, there are sometimes "dotted lines" in organization, which should not affect structure and positioning 🤔
I use flow diagram to draw org charts, but the main problem is that matrix diagrams turn out very poorly in it. Therefore, if there is a class for drawing org charts, then it would be very cool.
Been watching this since it was created, but formally adding my +1 to wanting a proper org chart type.
If you go for a new diagram type. It would be great to have the option to add an attribute to the node, especially for the people's names.
-------------- | CEO | | John Doe | --------------
something like the thing you can do with stateDiagram
The result would be:
state "CEO" as ceo
state "T. H. Eboss" as ceo
ceo --> devmngr
ceo --> admmngr
ceo --> law
state "Dev. Manager" as devmngr
state "Alice" as devmngr
devmngr --> dev
state "Development Team" as dev
state "Bob" as dev
state "Charles" as dev
state "David" as dev
state "Eveline" as dev
state "Adm. Manager" as admmngr
state "Florence" as admmngr
admmngr --> adm
state "Administration Team" as adm
state "Grace" as adm
state "Holt" as adm
state "Ivan" as adm
state "Lawyer" as law
state "John" as law