iOS-Open-GPX-Tracker copied to clipboard
Wish: recording off-road AND/OR on-road tracks
Hi All, I wish there could be an option, via a bluetooth button/switch or so, to record off-road/on-road pieces of the trip. And also at saving time a choice for saving only off-road OR on-road, or both, parts of the trip. To finally, for me, to create an off-road map.
Related with discussion in #66
Hi Merlos, This request is not related to the bug.
The request is, can I use a remote control, (like a bluetooth shutter), to stop/resume the recording of a track. So I can only record Off-road tracks.
Now I have to take my phone, stop tracking, when new dirt road starts, I have to get my phone again, and resume tracking. As example device:
Hi @JDDoe,
Thanks for your comment.
This seems to be a very concrete usage. Probably with a phone holder for your car it can be achieved. The only feature that would be necessary in that case is to give the option to keep the screen always on.
Prevent the screen to go off just requires to add this line to the app.
UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
This is a user config that can be a setting on the Preferences screen.