shinyFeedback copied to clipboard
display user feedback next to Shiny inputs
The message below will not update if say 6,8 is chosen, and then 6 is changed to 4. ``` library(shinyFeedback) ## Only run examples in interacive R sessions if (interactive())...
Hello ! I've added support for `shinyWidgets::virtualSelectInput()`. To test it you can use: ```r library(shiny) library(shinyWidgets) library(shinyFeedback) ui
Hello, Really like the feedback functions. I can get them to work with several input fields, but not with autonumericInput, which I require for my app to be able to...
use like: `loadingButton(inputId = "", label = i18n$t("Filter anwenden!")) ` throws error: Warning: Error in : No method asJSON S3 class: shiny.tag