shinyFeedback copied to clipboard
Multiple event handlers on single loadingButton
I bumped into this when investigating #69. When creating loadingButton
with already existing inputId
, it is correctly removed from buttons
array, but it looks like click
event handlers are accumulated. I added some logs to check this,
remotes::install_github("bartekch/shinyFeedback", "d7878b8b45959bf65ce4de8c05df5a6f86ad87b7")
ui = basicPage(
actionButton("rerender", "Rerender button"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
output$button <- renderUI({
shinyFeedback::loadingButton("b", "loadingbutton")
output$b_val <- renderPrint(input$b)
val <- eventReactive(input$b, {
output$val <- renderPrint(val())
After a few clicks and renders console output looks like this.
To be honest I didn't find any harmful effect on the actual Shiny application, however it still doesn't seem to be correct.
One simple way to fix this is to add $(document).off('click', "#" + inputId);
before adding new listener. However this would remove all click
events handlers, which may be undesired (or maybe this is not a problem?). To fix this we could pass handler to buttons
array, so later we could remove an exact handler when an existing id is encountered.
click_button = function() {
// increment the button value by 1. This is consistent with how `shiny::actionButton`
// value works.
console.log("Click button " + id + " with value ", btn_value);
if (btn_value === null) {
btn_value = 1;
} else {
btn_value = btn_value + 1;
Shiny.setInputValue(inputId, btn_value);
var loading_button = $(this);
loading_button.attr('disabled', true);
loading_button.html('<i class="fas fa-' + options.loadingSpinner + ' fa-spin"></i> ' + options.loadingLabel);
loading_button.attr('style', options.loadingStyle);
$(function() {
var allDOMLoadingButtons = $(document).find(".sf-loading-button");
var loadingIds = [];
for(var obj of allDOMLoadingButtons) {
// if element in this.buttons represents a loadingButton that is no longer in the DOM
// then remove it from this.buttons. Also remove remove it if the button being added already
// exists in this.buttons
self.buttons = self.buttons.filter(obj => {
if (obj.inputId == inputId) {
$(document).off('click', "#" + inputId, obj.click_handler);
return loadingIds.includes("sf-loading-button-" + obj.inputId) && (obj.inputId !== inputId);
self.buttons.push({inputId: inputId, options: options, click_handler: click_button});
// Disable button & change text
$(document).on('click', "#" + inputId, click_button);
I'm not JS expert, so probably it could be done better. Anyway, I've made a draft pull request with my suggestions: There are still some console.log
calls there, I'd be happy to clean it after your suggestions.