laravel-elixir-minify-html icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
laravel-elixir-minify-html copied to clipboard

Minify the HTML that gets generated by your Blade template files or just static HTML files with Laravel Elixir.

Laravel Elixir HTML minify

This package allows you to minify static HTML files or the HTML that gets generated by your Blade template files. It works very well and is very configurable. It uses gulp-htmlmin, which uses html-minifier.


First you need to install this package.

npm install --save-dev laravel-elixir-minify-html

Then require this package into your gulpfile.js.

var Elixir = require('laravel-elixir');

Then call the html method from your mix.

The html method can take up to three arguments:

  1. src (required): The files to minify.
  2. outputPath (optional): The output folder (defaults to storage/framework/views).
  3. options (optional): Options object passed to the gulp-htmlmin task.

This task defines a watcher for the path defined in src.

Sample code:

Elixir(function(mix) {
    mix.html('storage/framework/views/*', 'storage/framework/views/', {collapseWhitespace: true, removeAttributeQuotes: true, removeComments: true, minifyJS: true});