Fernando Mercês

Results 45 comments of Fernando Mercês

I'd be fine with that, yes. Should we work on it ourselves or you do it, @petterreinholdtsen ? Thanks.

Hi @carnil, thanks for pointing that out. ;) Hi @petterreinholdtsen , we're now in the process of finding someone to takeover this project alongside with [pev](https://github.com/merces/pev), because we don't have...

I've created a libpe [documentation branch](https://github.com/merces/libpe/tree/documentation) for this.

This error doesn't say much. =/ Did you clone pev repo using the `--recursive` option as instructed [here](https://github.com/merces/pev#how-to-get-the-source-code)?

Hi @saullocarvalho and @I0gan . Thanks for raising this issue. I believe we should print a warn to the user. This could be done in the `print_export` function itself. Does...

Another thing came to mind here.. we can also set a limit for, let's say 65535 exported functions. I can't imagine a valid PE with such a huge number of...

Corkami files are in our TODO for a while now. It is a nice set of binaries that don't follow the specs yet run perfectly under Windows loader. Thanks for...

Hum... @katjahahn do you know a tool that can read it correctly? I'd like to see its source code. 🙂

It should still be available [here](https://storage.googleapis.com/google-code-archive-downloads/v2/code.google.com/corkami/BinaryCorpus_v2.zip) from [this archive](https://code.google.com/archive/p/corkami/downloads?page=4). 😉

Hi @pitsi! Thanks for reporting this. It was actually fixed by [this commit in libpe](https://github.com/merces/libpe/commit/277ee7a724dd5828c3a1f589b3a7807e2ead1a2c) but we haven't released v0.82 yet. If you compile pev from the sources, you'll have...