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A/B testing library for Android

#Siberi for Android CircleCI

Siberi makes it easy to start A/B testing for mobile Android applications.


  • Start A/B testing on any screen or feature in the app
    Store experimental data to a local storage when an app is launched. Get experimental data from the storage whenever A/B testing is needed.
  • Annotate test related variables and methods
    Avoid unintentionally leaving testing codes in a project.
  • Create customizable interface
    Develop test runners and experimental data storage.

#Getting started ##1.Setup Depend via Gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'

apply plugin: 'android-apt'

    compile 'com.mercari:siberi:{latest-version}'
    apt 'com.mercari:siberi-processor:{latest-version}'

{latest-version} is now: Download

##2.Create an experiment list When creating an experiment list, make sure to:

  • Declare an interface. If you declare a class, the compilation will fail. The interface class will prevent accidently calling the list in your code.
  • Annotate class with @ExperimentalList.
public interface Experiments {
    String TEST_001 = "test_001_change_button_color";
    String TEST_002 = "test_002_change_text";

Compile the project and Siberi will generate an utility class for experiments.

public class ExperimentsUtil {
  public static final String TEST_001_CHANGE_BUTTON_COLOR = "test_001_change_button_color";

  public static final String TEST_002_CHANGE_TEXT = "test_002_change_text";

  public static String getTestNameParams() {
    String params[] = {TEST_001_CHANGE_BUTTON_COLOR,TEST_002_CHANGE_TEXT};
    return TextUtils.join(",", params);

##3.Initialize Siberi in your Application class

public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

##4.Request experiments from your server

When the app is launched, Siberi should request experimental data from your server (Ex. Splash screen). Below is a simple example of how to fetch data and how to store it into Siberi. Please see a sample project for detail.

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    MyApi = new MyApi(this);
    LoadingTask loadingTask = new LoadingTask();
    loadingTask.setTaskFinishListener(new LoadingTask.TaskFinishListener() {
        public void onTaskFinished() {


private static class LoadingTask extends AsyncTask<String,Void,Void> {
    public interface TaskFinishListener {
        void onTaskFinished();
    TaskFinishListener taskFinishListener;

    void setTaskFinishListener(TaskFinishListener taskFinishListener){
        this.taskFinishListener = taskFinishListener;

    protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
        JSONObject response = MyApi.get(params);
        if(response != null){
                JSONArray experimentArray = response.getJSONArray("experiment_results");
                // Store experiments
            } catch (JSONException e){
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(Void v) {
        if(taskFinishListener != null){

getTestNameParams() method creates a string of experiment name(Ex. test_001_change_button_color,test_002_change_text).

Request the experimental data from your server by using this string:,test_002_change_text

The response should be rendered as shown below:

      "name" : "test_001_change_button_color",
      "variant" : 1,
      "metadata" : {
      "name" : "test_002_change_text",
      "variant" : 2,
      "metadata" : {
        "text": "Share your thought about curry!!"

variant will allocate each test group to different devices. metadata is used when you want to change the content of an experiment dynamically from your server. It is not required.

##5.Run your experiment There are 3 ways to run your experiment.

  1. Siberi.runTest A test is executed on the thread where this method is called. A test result returns asynchronously.

  2. Siberi.runTestOnWorkerThread A test is executed on a worker thread. Use this method for experiments that is executed asynchronously. Ex. Update DB, Network Request depending on a variant

  3. Siberi.runTestOnUiThread A test is explicitly executes on a UI thread. A test result returns synchronously. In some cases, you want to run experiments in order. This method is useful in that case. Note that this method may block the UI thread.

Below is an example to use Siberi.runTest method to start your experiment.

Siberi.runTest(ExperimentsList.TEST_002, new ExperimentRunner() {
    public void run(ExperimentContent content) {
        switch (content.getVariant()) {
            case 0:
                // not in this experiment
                // do nothing
            case 1:
                // Control Group
                // Show as-is
            case 2:
                // Test Group
                // Do some code changes
                changeText("Awesome text");
            case 3:

If you have field values or methods that are only required for A/B testing, add @ForExperiment annotation so that you won't forget to remove them from your code once the experiment is finished.

TextView testTv;

private void changeText(String text){
    Toast.makeText(this,"Experiment started",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    if(text != null) {

#Tips ##Sending Logs with Siberi When you want to send logs each time you start A/B testing, you can avoid a boilerplate code by Overriding ExperimentRunner. For example:

public abstract class ExperimentRunnerWithAnalytics implements ExperimentRunner {
    public void run(ExperimentContent content) {
            // Send Logs

And in each experiment:

Siberi.runTest(ExperimentsList.TEST_002, new ExperimentRunnerWithAnalytics() {
    public void run(ExperimentContent content) {;

##Using custom storage If you would like to use a storage other than SQLite(ex. Realm), you can do so by implementing SiberiStorage and creating a new storage class.

public class SiberiRealmDB implements SiberiStorage {

Then, in your Application class, set up your storage.

public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        Siberi.setUpCustomStorage(new SiberiRealmDB(this));


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Copyright 2014-2016 Mercari, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT License.