stylelint-no-px icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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A stylelint custom rule to ensure using rem instead of px


A stylelint custom rule to ensure rem instead of px.

If you are using rem (instead of px) as 1px solution or for other purposes, you should need a stylelint rule to enforce using rem. Thats it.

width: 10px; // error
border: 1px solid #eee; // ok


npm install stylelint-no-px --save-dev


Add it to your stylelint config

// .stylelintrc
  "plugins": [
  "rules": {
    // ...
    "meowtec/no-px": [true, { "ignore": ["1px"] }],
    // or just:
    "meowtec/no-px": true,
    // ...


ignore: Item[]

ignore value check.

Valid value of Item: propertyName | '1px' | '${propertyName} 1px'

ignoreFunctions: string[]

ignore check for functions.

example(1) (the default options)

// all 1px is ok
"meowtec/no-px": [true, { "ignore": ["1px"] }],
@padding-base: 20px; // error

.foo {
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc; // ok
  padding: 10px; // error
  height: 1px; // ok
  padding: @padding-base * 2;


//  - all `1px` or `font` is ok
//  - rem(Npx) is ok
"meowtec/no-px": [true, { "ignore": ["1px", "font"], "ignoreFunctions": ["rem"] }],
.foo {
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc; // ok
  height: 1px; // ok
  font-size: 24px; // ok
  padding: 10px; // error
  width: calc(100% - 10px); // error
  font-size: rem(10px); // ok


// only `border + 1px` is ok
"meowtec/no-px": [true, { "ignore": ["border 1px"] }],
.foo {
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc; // ok
  height: 1px; // error