jquery-validation-rails copied to clipboard
jQuery Validation for the Rails Asset Pipeline.
V 1.19.5
My request was applying the changes found in the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/jzaefferer/jquery-validation) for the library. @danryan con you look into this
**Was released Jul 1, 2022** [Release](https://github.com/jquery-validation/jquery-validation/releases/tag/1.19.5)
Hey, I was wondering if there were any way we can override the default validation message directly by passing arguments to the f.text_input tag in a .html.erb view in the...
I'm trying to validate a form with jQuery validate but it's doesn't seem to be returning error messages in the correct language. In my Rails app, I have: `gem 'jquery-validation-rails'`...
Validation is working but When click on submit button form is not submitting (not creating) button will disable . i am working on Ruby 2.4.1v Rails 5.1 v os: fedora...