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ld warning on OS X regarding hlibsass
When I do ghc --make site.hs
I often get this warning
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/private/var/folders/77/zxlvnwsj3dv3nc6kt_szls2w0000gn/T/cabal-tmp-5380/hlibsass-'
though it doesn't really affect the compilation (i.e., I still can compile a working ./site
). But I am just wondering what is causing the warning and if there exists a way to fix it (rather than just passing --quiet
to gcc).
I can't say for certain because I am not using OS X, but it appears as if that is where the compiled C library is placed. Can you check if this directory exists? Also, to see if it is an hlibsass problem, could you try compiling the following program using GHC and tell me if you get the same message?
import Bindings.Libsass
import Foreign.C.String
main = peekCString libsass_version >>= putStrLn
@meoblast001 I can confirm that this is issue with hlibsass itself.
That said I think that you can close this issue.