In earlier versions there was the possibility to add each Harmony Hub separate in the config.json by name and IP address. Maybe this would help I think. But does anyone...
But this would help at least against the bug of always saying "same UUID" right? How can I install version 0.1.1?
That error appears every few hours, cause harmonyhub tried to add one of my two hubs twice and homebridge stops: `/usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge/node_modules/hap-nodejs/lib/Accessory.js:264 throw new Error("Cannot add a bridged Accessory with the...
I did try now, but unfortunately I get the message at starting homebridge, that ip addressess are ignored, because now it is using only auto-discovery. and that auto-discovery brings up...
I have exactly the same problem. The IPTV stream do work directly on the box, are not working over OpenWebif. Can that please be fixxed? I think the can only...
I have the same problem. Is there any solution?
I tried with 10 and 11 and that error is appearing on both.
It's a fresh install on debian 9. Only homebridge + requirements + node are installed.
It seems as if this error is only appearing if the homebridge directories "accessories" and "persist" are EMPTY at startup of homebridge with a newer NodeJS version. I can't say...
Is it required, that additionally miio is installed?