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the cholesky_AAt in Non-Rigid ICP can't work
Hello, When there are many vertices whose matching reliability weight is set to 0, the Hessian ATA is not full rank. So only the slow solve method scipy_spsolve can work. The sksparse.cholmod.cholesky_AAt just throw an ERROR: sksparse.cholmod.CholmodNotPositiveDefiniteError: c:\cholmod-scikit-sparse-window\suitesparse-metis-for-windows-1.3.1\suitesparse\cholmod\supernodal\t_cholmod_super_numeric.c:911: matrix not positive definite (code 1)
how do you handle with this? or I got the wrong version of scikit-sparse?
I am also meeting this problem, have u solved?
The easiest thing to do would be to add some regularization to allow the matrix to be invertible. So just add a small number to the diagonal.
Really thanks for your help
hello,may i ask how to add numbers to the diagonal of a sparse matrix?and how to avoid ill-conditioned matrix?thanks a lot!
Something like sparse_matrix.diagonal() += 1e-6