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Order of array in custom data is still random even though mockJSON.random = false
Hello, I would like to thank you very much for a great library. I do have a small request though, if you could make a small change to it to make array types keep their sorted value in the This is done in the getRandomnData() function.
For example, I provided a custom data like: COMPANY: ["ABC Inc", "DAB Co", "AACC Inc"] but when I set the random = false flag, it returns random data. To fix that let me show you what I had to do:
function getRandomData(key) { key = key.substr(1); // remove "@"
//var params = key.match(/\(((\d+),?)+\)/g) || [];
var params = key.match(/\(([^\)]+)\)/g) || [];
if (!(key in $ {
// console.log(key); // console.log(params); return key; }
var a = $[key];
switch (type(a)) {
case 'array':
if($.mockJSON.workingKeys[key] == null){
$.mockJSON.workingKeys[key] = 0;
var index = $.mockJSON.workingKeys[key];
if(index >= a.length)
$.mockJSON.workingKeys[key] = 0;
// var index = Math.floor(a.length * rand()); return a[$.mockJSON.workingKeys[key]++];
case 'function':
return a();
When I use the changes shown above, it keeps the order of my custom data arrays. Please let me know what you think.