zefyr copied to clipboard
1.0-dev ZefyrEditor's focusNode.requestFocus() should put focus at the end of the text
Steps to Reproduce
- Set up the editor like the example app:
ZefyrEditor(controller: textCo, focusNode: textFocusNode)
composeDoc().then((doc) {
setState(() {
textCo = ZefyrController(doc);
Future<NotusDocument> composeDoc() async {
final delta = Delta()..insert("example text");
return NotusDocument()..compose(delta, ChangeSource.local);
- Call
Expecting cursor at the end of the text, but the cursor is at the beginning of the text.
Note that there are similar issues on a normal TextField: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/11416
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Have the same issue, I'm also aware of the other thread.
@hyouuu @danleitch this repo is not actively maintained anymore. We've forked it --> https://github.com/fleather-editor/fleather and we actively maintain the new repo.
Feel free to contribute or submit any issues