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Problem creating request with more when one item.
I am trying the CreateSOAPRequest example that I got from downloads part on 1.5.4 version of soa-model-core. So I have problems related multiple items of same type: for example
formParams.put("xpath:/create/article[1]/price[1]/amount", "10.00");
we have multiple articles and multiple prices. After running example I got this result
<s11:Envelope xmlns:s11=''>
<ns1:create xmlns:ns1=''>
<!-- This element is required and should be filled. -->
<ns2:name xmlns:ns2='' />
<!-- This element is required and should be filled. -->
<ns2:description xmlns:ns2='' />
<ns2:price xmlns:ns2=''>
<!-- This element is required and should be filled. -->
<ns3:amount xmlns:ns3='' />
<ns3:currency xmlns:ns3=''></ns3:currency>
<ns2:id xmlns:ns2=''></ns2:id>
but it should be
<s11:Envelope xmlns:s11=''>
<ns1:create xmlns:ns1=''>
<name xmlns:ns2=''>foo2</name>
<description xmlns:ns2=''>bar2</description>
<price xmlns:ns2=''>
<amount xmlns:ns3=''>10.00</amount>
<currency xmlns:ns3=''>EUR</currency>
<id xmlns:ns2=''>2</id>
<name xmlns:ns2=''>foo1</name>
<description xmlns:ns2=''>bar1</description>
<price xmlns:ns2=''>
<amount xmlns:ns3=''>20.00</amount>
<currency xmlns:ns3=''>USD</currency>
<id xmlns:ns2=''>1</id>
I didn't change anything in source code.
I need to push that issue. We have tracked down the reason and can give an example WSDL with following ComplexType, where this Problem occurs for us
<xsd:simpleType name="mediumBlob">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:base64Binary">
<xsd:maxLength value="16384" />
<xsd:complexType name="Identity">
<xsd:element name="data_A" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
<xsd:element name="data_B" type="tns:mediumBlob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
<xsd:element name="data_C" type="tns:mediumBlob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
In our code we set all elements and they data into a String HashMap to put them into the Operation later-on:
HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_A[1]", "###");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_A[2]", "XXX");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_B[1]", "###");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_B[2]", "XXX");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_C", "###");
This generates following Request content:
<s11:Envelope xmlns:s11=''>
<ns1:MyOperation xmlns:ns1='https://www.MyNameSpace.tld/abc'>
But expected was:
- both <data_A> are added because of type="xsd:base64Binary"
- <data_C> is no direct type="xsd:base64Binary" and added, because only one Occurence is added
- <data_B> is like <data_C> but not added at all, only one empty <data_B> because the fault is partly located in the Groovy-Scripts:
While generating the request, during the creation of BuildInSchemaType-Objects, matching Xpath-Elements are identified by a Regular Expression. During that creation of SimpleType-Objekts only 1-to-1 matches are searched.
<data_B> is no BuildInSchemaType SimpleType and finally it Fails
Hopefully that's correct ;-)
thanks for your valueable description of the bug. It will take some time till we will fix that is SOA Model. Feel free to create a pull-request yourself if you want to. The code fort he RequestCreator is at the file:
Am 04.08.16, 13:45 schrieb "psytester" [email protected]:
I need to push that issue. We have tracked down the reason and can give an example WSDL with following ComplexType, where this Problem occurs for us <xsd:simpleType name="mediumBlob"> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:base64Binary"> <xsd:maxLength value="16384" /> /xsd:restriction /xsd:simpleType
<xsd:complexType name="Identity">
<xsd:element name="data_A" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
<xsd:element name="data_B" type="tns:mediumBlob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
<xsd:element name="data_C" type="tns:mediumBlob" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="10"/>
In our code we set all elements and they data into a String HashMap to put them into the Operation later-on:
HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_A[1]", "###");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_A[2]", "XXX");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_B[1]", "###");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_B[2]", "XXX");
data.put("xpath:/MyOperation/id/data_C", "###");
This generates following Request content:
<s11:Envelope xmlns:s11=''>
<ns1:MyOperation xmlns:ns1='https://www.MyNameSpace.tld/abc'>
both <data_A> are added because of type="xsd:base64Binary" <data_C> is no direct type="xsd:base64Binary" and added, because only one Occurence is added <data_B> is like <data_C> but not added at all, only one empty <data_B> because the fault is partly located in the Groovy-Scripts: While generating the request, during the creation of BuildInSchemaType-Objects, matching Xpath-Elements are identified by a Regular Expression. During that creation of SimpleType-Objekts only 1-to-1 matches are searched.
<data_B> is no BuildInSchemaType SimpleType and finally it Fails
Hopefully that's correct ;-)
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CreateSOAPRequest run result not correct (there are no data in element
result is:
<s11:Envelope xmlns:s11=''>
<ns1:create xmlns:ns1=''>
<ns2:name xmlns:ns2=''>foo2</ns2:name>
<ns2:description xmlns:ns2=''>bar2</ns2:description>
<ns2:price xmlns:ns2=''>
<!-- This element is required and should be filled. -->
<ns3:amount xmlns:ns3='' />
<ns3:currency xmlns:ns3=''></ns3:currency>
<ns2:id xmlns:ns2=''>2</ns2:id>
<ns2:name xmlns:ns2=''>foo1</ns2:name>
<ns2:description xmlns:ns2=''>bar1</ns2:description>
<ns2:price xmlns:ns2=''>
<!-- This element is required and should be filled. -->
<ns3:amount xmlns:ns3='' />
<ns3:currency xmlns:ns3=''></ns3:currency>
<ns2:id xmlns:ns2=''>1</ns2:id>