ionic-socketio-chat-client copied to clipboard
"Join" button not working
Hey there! :) I am experiencing an issue as the "Join" button is not working / nothing happens. To reduce the potential of failure I exactly followed your tutorial / instructions on Git.
- Cloned you repo
- Changed directory to the project
- cordova platform add android
- cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
- cordova plugin add com.ionic.keyboard
- ionic run android
App starts, but "join" not working. I also tried "ionic serve", but same problem here.
After some investigations I had success when changing content security to
but I am not sure if this is the correct way of solving the problem?
Thank you in advance!
Yes, that is one way to do it. But ionic does this for you if you add two statements in your config.xml
<allow-navigation href="*" />
<allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
This is not advised for production applications since href is set to wildcard and navigation will be allowed for every link.
Read this link to learn more about it.
So the href field to be used for production should have the urls you want to point to. For this project I would have in the href
Hope this helped.
Hey @melvin0008 . I tried adding the code you suggested into config.xml but still the join button does not work.
join button is not working