get-idris copied to clipboard
Expired links in the install script, install fails
The script hasnt been updated for 2 years, and during that time links have expired as new version have become available.
Pacman seems to have seen some changes during that time as well, and things fail PGP check.
PS C:\Users\lenaw\Downloads\idris> Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Unrestricted
Execution Policy Change
The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose
you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at
https:/ Do you want to change the execution policy?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): y
PS C:\Users\lenaw\Downloads\idris> .\get-idris.ps1
Security warning
Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your
computer. If you trust this script, use the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning
message. Do you want to run C:\Users\lenaw\Downloads\idris\get-idris.ps1?
[D] Do not run [R] Run once [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "D"): r
Getting 7-zip
Getting msys64
Getting GHC 64-bit
Getting cabal.exe
Invoke-WebRequest : <html>
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)</center>
At C:\Users\lenaw\Downloads\idris\get-idris.ps1:20 char:9
+ Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $outfile -UserAgent "Curl"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-WebRequest], WebExc
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand
get-tarball : failed to get file
At C:\Users\lenaw\Downloads\idris\get-idris.ps1:133 char:9
+ if (get-tarball $url $file $hash) {
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,get-tarball
Starting msys configuration
The following DLLs couldn't be rebased because they were in use:
Installing packages
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
:: Synchronizing package databases...
mingw32 894.4 KiB 482K/s 00:02 [#######################################] 100%
mingw32.sig 438.0 B 428K/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: failed to update mingw32 (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
mingw64 897.7 KiB 507K/s 00:02 [#######################################] 100%
mingw64.sig 438.0 B 428K/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: failed to update mingw64 (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
msys 300.4 KiB 514K/s 00:01 [#######################################] 100%
msys.sig 438.0 B 0.00B/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: failed to update msys (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: failed to synchronize all databases
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
:: Synchronizing package databases...
mingw32 894.4 KiB 654K/s 00:01 [#######################################] 100%
mingw32.sig 438.0 B 0.00B/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: failed to update mingw32 (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
mingw64 897.7 KiB 1003K/s 00:01 [#######################################] 100%
mingw64.sig 438.0 B 428K/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: failed to update mingw64 (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
msys 300.4 KiB 385K/s 00:01 [#######################################] 100%
msys.sig 438.0 B 428K/s 00:00 [#######################################] 100%
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: failed to update msys (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: failed to synchronize all databases
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: database 'mingw32' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'mingw64' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'msys' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: database 'mingw32' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'mingw64' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'msys' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: database 'mingw32' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'mingw64' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'msys' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: database 'mingw32' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'mingw64' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'msys' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: database 'mingw32' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'mingw64' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'msys' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: database 'mingw32' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'mingw64' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'msys' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: mingw32: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: mingw64: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: msys: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" is unknown
error: key "4A6129F4E4B84AE46ED7F635628F528CF3053E04" could not be looked up remotely
error: database 'mingw32' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'mingw64' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
error: database 'msys' is not valid (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))
cp: cannot stat '/c/Users/lenaw/Downloads/idris/downloads/cabal.exe': No such file or directory
Getting and building Idris
/c/Users/lenaw/Downloads/idris/ line 1: cabal: command not found
/c/Users/lenaw/Downloads/idris/ line 5: git: command not found
/c/Users/lenaw/Downloads/idris/ line 6: cd: idris: No such file or directory
/c/Users/lenaw/Downloads/idris/ line 8: make: command not found
PS C:\Users\lenaw\Downloads\idris>
Thanks for the report, I'll see what I can do.